I'm pretty sure the History and Memory topic IS about how our perspectives are shaped, but also how History and Memory are connected- such as how memory affects history and vice versa.
That is something you REALLY need to emphasis-
How something Historical is just plain factual until memory is involved, and only then will it shape our perspectives.
That is how we got good marks anyway!
I think that Martin Luther King's speech is a good idea, just make sure you talk about the correlation between the actual event and then how he remembers it to be, therefore consequenting in his opinion.
Use a quote for each of these if there is one, e.g. for Rabbit Proof Fence you could say
1) History- "In 1931 Molly led her two sisters on an extroadinary 1,600 km walk"
2) Memory- "The walk was hot and trechorous but I just wanted to see my mother's face one more time"
3) SHAPING OF PERSPECTIVE- As a result of the link between the fact and the emotions remembered by Molly, the audience feels emotion in response. In this case it is sympathy for the girls, therefore the author of the text has shaped our response the way they have liked.
If the memory came from the government (Mr Nevilles) point of view however, it could make the audience NOT feel sympathy for the girls and so on.
Good luck with it.
Just don't forget to say how the Memory and History affects the audience.
Memory alone is nothing, and history alone is nothing, but together they can change people's perspectives signigicantly.

Hope that helps!