ascentyx Member Joined Feb 5, 2009 Messages 234 Gender Male HSC 2008 Nov 19, 2011 #21 You can still doing ACST306 if you're a dedicated student, you just need to be very strong with your math and stat. Most of the hard stochastic processes stuff is put into ACST307 anyways
You can still doing ACST306 if you're a dedicated student, you just need to be very strong with your math and stat. Most of the hard stochastic processes stuff is put into ACST307 anyways
K keithwf Member Joined May 24, 2010 Messages 40 Gender Undisclosed HSC N/A Dec 14, 2011 #22 stay away from ACC353 and FIN328 and ECON203 in my opinion btw its just basic math so dont worry too much
stay away from ACC353 and FIN328 and ECON203 in my opinion btw its just basic math so dont worry too much
A Azure Premium Member Joined Aug 2, 2007 Messages 5,680 Gender Male HSC 2009 Dec 14, 2011 #23 Thanks for all your help guys. Wil be making my application on friday to transfer into B Applied Finance / B Com-Professional Accounting. Really appreciate all your insights.
Thanks for all your help guys. Wil be making my application on friday to transfer into B Applied Finance / B Com-Professional Accounting. Really appreciate all your insights.