darkliight said:
Word (or similar) will never die at the hands of latex, because you'll always need to think a little bit to use latex. Lots of people aren't into that, and will be content with knowing how to insert a table and image into a word processing document.
Puting images by LaTeX is so much easier than word. If you want to put an image in word, it will be anoying, put putting images in LaTeX is so simple and you tell what width and height you want and LaTeX just do it for you. And if you are an everyday LaTeX user, then you do not need to think about it. When I started using it, I had lots of errors in typesetting a simple document but now I have get used to it and I can publish my mathematical pages very quickly.
LaTeX has so many advantages over word:
1- you can type in any form of paper like a4,a5, letter, ,...
2- LaTeX creates the table of contents automatically
3- Latex is the markup language which is the same in any platform
4- you do not have to pay anything for it
5- drwaing mathematical diagrams is super easy by knowing pstricks, xy-pic, MetaFont and Metapost, epix, epic,...
and so many others....