Yes & No - Depending how you look at it.
I am the Owner & Principal of Master Coaching Liverpool.
I am not the Franchisor - who is another Robert - so you maybe confusing me with the Franchisor Robert Ollis
So I have no direct financial interest in Master Coaching Newcastle.
Indirect maybe - but that's a huge huge stretch.
I am just trying to help a student in need. That's the best part of my profession.
Greg the Principal of Master Coaching Newcastle is the only contact I have in Newcastle apart from Alan at Master Coaching New Lambton.
Alan has not returned my email regarding a 4u maths tutor, but Greg has; and his tutor sounds worthwhile checking out. There are no guarantees that a particular student will like a particular tutor, but on the face of it (to me based on what Greg has said) - the 4u maths tutor at Master Coaching Newcastle seems worthwhile checking out.