Retired 13 May 2006
Reply-By-Number to the rescue!

2) Insecurity about the status quo? I'd love to see you define that in your own words. I don't need to be insecure about the status quo, because I am very careful with any information that may damage my stature, ensuring that I don't advise people without sufficient knowledge or information. My place is secure.
3) Please, endear me by giving some evidence of this apparent self-loathing. I do fail to recall any such behaviour characteristic of one who loathes himself.
Be careful who you spar with...
(and learn to make sense)

1) I didn't attempt to correct you. I just said you were wrong. Look up the symptoms. I will however correct your spelling. It's "knack".Originally posted by CHUDYMASTER
I also think his nack for attempting to correct me is a testament to his insecurity about the status quo and self-loathing.
2) Insecurity about the status quo? I'd love to see you define that in your own words. I don't need to be insecure about the status quo, because I am very careful with any information that may damage my stature, ensuring that I don't advise people without sufficient knowledge or information. My place is secure.
3) Please, endear me by giving some evidence of this apparent self-loathing. I do fail to recall any such behaviour characteristic of one who loathes himself.
Be careful who you spar with...
(and learn to make sense)