Med Revue is an annual comedy show that is on this week from Tuesday to Saturday each night at 8:00PM at the Science Theatre. You can get more info (and book your tickets online) here.
It's a really funny show, it's really big (it had a combined audience of about 2,000 last year) and the cast has put in over 200 hours of rehersal time over the past 2 months. You can get tickets from the library lawn every lunch time, otherwise you can book them through the website and pay for them at the library lawn or on the night (more info at the website) or you can just turn up on the night and buy them at the door. Tickets are $10 for students ($8 for everyone on opening night - Tuesday, or Wednesday night too if you are a Med or College student).
Did I mention I'm in it?
It's a really funny show, it's really big (it had a combined audience of about 2,000 last year) and the cast has put in over 200 hours of rehersal time over the past 2 months. You can get tickets from the library lawn every lunch time, otherwise you can book them through the website and pay for them at the library lawn or on the night (more info at the website) or you can just turn up on the night and buy them at the door. Tickets are $10 for students ($8 for everyone on opening night - Tuesday, or Wednesday night too if you are a Med or College student).
Did I mention I'm in it?
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