im going to 1 in brissi next weekend. im interested to no wat theyre like though. Do you get anything written cos you cant print any of the practices from the net and i cant do section 3 without scribling all over the paper
you get a booklet with sample questions...then u get the practice test that u do on the second day and the solutions for those....but everything else is put up on overheads and u basically write notes if u want
it didnt exactly meet my expectations but it is better than nothing
Yeah i reckon aye...i calculated that the guy got ATLEAST $21,000 alone from that weekend... he could have atleast given us hard copies of the info and there should have been a range of speakers...i bet he owns it...otherwise why would he be the only one going to all the places and doing the lectures
Other speakers you say? What kind of other speakers are you looking for? Professors of UMAT? Or maybe self-professed "experts" on how to get in like Dallas Gibson.