jack white
After Hours
Hey guys year twelver here looking for best-suited course...if any of you have any recommendations on the media and cultural studies course could you please give me some advice?
how many lessons a week?
any exams?
challenging or dull?
what subjects do they cover?
career/job links?
is it enjoyable?
is it popular and hard to get into?
i am interested in film, music and writing and i am looking for a course where those three passions can be combined and studied. thanks anyone for a little bit of feedback. i do have the handbook but it does not tell you much so, please. any web links would be great if any as well. thanks.
how many lessons a week?
any exams?
challenging or dull?
what subjects do they cover?
career/job links?
is it enjoyable?
is it popular and hard to get into?
i am interested in film, music and writing and i am looking for a course where those three passions can be combined and studied. thanks anyone for a little bit of feedback. i do have the handbook but it does not tell you much so, please. any web links would be great if any as well. thanks.