Grad medicine still stands as my plan, but I would never do Med Science as an undergrad degree, its just too narrow i feel. Like, not many 18 year olds can really be sure that they want to do medicine, can they? Like im pretty sure, but it so wouldnt surprise me if i changed my mind before then.
I did alright in UMAT and got 98.95, but I decided that I didnt want to do med undergrad so i pulled out my applications at UNSW and Newcastle. I guess ill do the UMAT against next year and transfer to Newcastle, then again, maybe not.
Anyone else think the UMAT is the stupidest thing ever? I mean, you would ahve thoguht the interview process was a much better way to try and assess the pesronality of an applicant. What the hell ahve geometrical shapes got to do with being a good doctor? hmm? Some of my friends who got interviews wouldbe the worst doctors i rekon