New Years Eve! The most random night I've EVER had in my life.
11:15- i lost directions of this place someone had gave us, so we werewalking around in the middle of friggen nowhere, trying to find nightlife SOMEWHERE, ANYWHERE!
11:30- in seedy dirty bar with ugly guys and little children (yes there were children at the bar :\) gawking at us, also it was a bar that only sold beer and only ONE kind of beer
11:59pm- one taxi ride away and we were at this very upper upper class party that served us free champaigne, everyone was wearing tail coats and cocktail dresses jajaja (we crashed it, went through the kitchens!! jajaja) thats where we spent the countdown! jaja
1:00am onwards- classy party got boring (and plus they found out we didn't have invites so they kicked us out lol) so we found this awsome club nearby!
travelling is the best thing ever!