I rang up the HSC Advice Line today because I wanted to know how much historiography one would need to incorporate in to their essays to recieve a band 6. The guy I got was very helpful, and these are some points that he gave me.
-You can get a band 6 without putting any historiography in to your essay (that certainly came as a surprise to me), but he recommended that you put some in to be safe.
-You don't have to directly quote historians, you can just state their opinions.
-Historiographical debate can be seen in the media, and even in courts of law (apparently there was a court case over Irving's statement that the Holocaust was a lie... need to look more at that)
-In the syllabus it talks about usefulness, reliability and variety of sources available... it isn't really necessary to discuss this, however it will be reflected by the historiography you mention. Historiography showing different perspectives is good.
This same info might apply for the other histories (e.g. ancient and extension)... dunno though.
-You can get a band 6 without putting any historiography in to your essay (that certainly came as a surprise to me), but he recommended that you put some in to be safe.
-You don't have to directly quote historians, you can just state their opinions.
-Historiographical debate can be seen in the media, and even in courts of law (apparently there was a court case over Irving's statement that the Holocaust was a lie... need to look more at that)
-In the syllabus it talks about usefulness, reliability and variety of sources available... it isn't really necessary to discuss this, however it will be reflected by the historiography you mention. Historiography showing different perspectives is good.
This same info might apply for the other histories (e.g. ancient and extension)... dunno though.