lonely sunday friend
Ok i'm pretty sure that there has been a thread along these lines recently, but i couldnt find it, so anyway.
I have a large procrastination problem (example- i have 3 assessments due next week, 2 of which i havnt started, and late-night-before assessment completion is common for me) and i know this problem to be common among those at this board. I'm not happy about it, i want to do well this year, so i would like to change my attitude towards work. I mean, i KNOW it should be done, but i'll be damned if there isnt that ONE little thing that i'd rather do before getting started on my school work, which of course leads me to another thing, adn then another, and before i know it its time to go to bed. Oh well, i'll get started tomorrow, i say.
But i'm sure there are people who know good ways to combat procrastination, and increase motivation to get work done early and well. so share! (share AGAIN as it may be, those people who posted in the other thread which i mentioned)
What do YOU do to force/persuade yourself to get off your ass, or ON your ass and do some study/assessments/homework?
What sort of thing motivates you to keep working when you could be doing something so much more fun?

I have a large procrastination problem (example- i have 3 assessments due next week, 2 of which i havnt started, and late-night-before assessment completion is common for me) and i know this problem to be common among those at this board. I'm not happy about it, i want to do well this year, so i would like to change my attitude towards work. I mean, i KNOW it should be done, but i'll be damned if there isnt that ONE little thing that i'd rather do before getting started on my school work, which of course leads me to another thing, adn then another, and before i know it its time to go to bed. Oh well, i'll get started tomorrow, i say.
But i'm sure there are people who know good ways to combat procrastination, and increase motivation to get work done early and well. so share! (share AGAIN as it may be, those people who posted in the other thread which i mentioned)
What do YOU do to force/persuade yourself to get off your ass, or ON your ass and do some study/assessments/homework?
What sort of thing motivates you to keep working when you could be doing something so much more fun?