Moving from VIC to QLD (1 Viewer)


Plane Nut
Nov 13, 2007
Right now I have two options.
1. If I manage to get into my TAFE couse (which has had about 150 people apply for 30 positions..) I will stay at boring old home and continue my life.
2. If I dont get into my TAFE course, I will move out of home for a year or more, and move up to Gold Coast/Burleigh heads.

Basically I cannot stand living at home due to the bullshit that little brothers create and sharing a room with a 10year old brat is no heaven. I never get peace, my freedom is always cloesely watched (like people listening in when Im on the damn phone!), brothers and sisters keep gaining acces to my stuff/using my stuff and breaking it. Also, I might have two jobs, but I am no way happy about either in terms that they might be the two biggest employes in the country (Coles/Big W), but love treating employees like shit and give fuck all hours..I also hate the Suburban Victorian location that I live in and there is nothing good near by. I usually go up to the Gold Coast every month for a daytrip t have time out and fun/plus go to my favourite beaches in the world. Apart from all that crap..Im coming up 19 soon, so I think Its cool to be moving out at that age yeah????
-If I was living by myself in Burleigh Heads/Gold Coast, what do you think would be an average price on Renting/Student Accom??
-I know the whole of the Gold Coast very well, mabye more than the people who live their, so no problem with moving here...Plus, why waste a whole year of life stuck at home working for a year, when i can do the same thing up in paradise.
-Job wise, I work for both Woolworths and Coles, so I dont think it would be too hard to get a Fulltime job would it? I think mabye getting the job before moving might save some trouble...
-I would be moving around Feb09, so I should have presaved around 3k by then, not much, but enough to get me started I guess, seing I have a bed, Tv, and basically everything.

Seing I am planning to do Flight training, I might have to return to Melbourne, but there might be also opportunites within QLD.

Advice from People moved to the Gold Coast please!! Mainly with Student accom, living by myself though...

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