MPs call for addicts' children to be adopted (1 Viewer)


Singing me and Julio
Mar 13, 2005
Billy Corgan said:
Because they don't do shit and they won't do shit because of the latest bugger up of the system. They are cowards. We may as well just get Centrelink to tell us how to parent our kids.

If DOCs failed to interfere into this situation, we may as well just go around and yell: "A DINGO'S GOT MY BABY!"
which situation is that?

because i have personally witnessed DOCS coming to the aid of children in dangerous situations at least 5 different times that i can recall, and they have always been firm, professional and helpful whenever i have witnessed them at work.

the thing is that child safety is a very tough issue to mediate, and considering all their pressure, they do a pretty good job imo.

i have no problem with people calling them whatever they want as long as it is backed up with facts and examples.


Aug 5, 2007
New South Wales
ok u may have seen docs rush to the rescue of children in need..

but i am of the opinion that that are an absolute wast of time, and tax payers money, before any program to remove children and adopt them because there parents are drug addicted is implemented, something needs to be done about the systems they and there adoptive family will have to deal with.

the plan does seem like one that may work if the appropriate support can be given to the adoptive parents. and why should parents that couldn’t sort there act together in the 9 months they were pregnant be allowed to raise a child, it takes a community to raise a child and maybe the community should stand up for that child’s rights and not let it suffer at the hands of a mother that cant provide properly for it.

The money that single mothers receive from the government is huge and as stated before is a substantial reason for some of these women wanting to keep there babies. Now I do understand that some women will get them selves sorted out after having there babies and want to be able to be in there lives, but how long will this take? A couple of months a couple of years, and what happens if they relapse, there children should them be moved from there care into foster care.. Back into there care.. Back into foster care.. And by then its too late to properly help the child, IF it last to that stage without any major drug or neglected related injuries.

Maybe this one is all bit to personal for me.. Really don’t like DOCS

oh ps. with docs did u see what they did after they rode in on there whit horses? because its usually that they don’t help afterwards or they let the child back into that situation, were they fail.

pps. (got me going now) DOCS are hindered by miles of paper work and DOCS workers are always overloaded with cases… They are tired and don’t have the facilities they envisioned they would have when joining the department.. so the blame isn’t entirely on DOCS works but on the system they must work within.


Singing me and Julio
Mar 13, 2005
er well i dont completely understand what you're trying to say due to terrible grammar and syntax...

...nevertheless i can see you dont like DOCS. i understand that it's hard to watch them go through a complicated and sometimes unsuccessful process involving families and children, but unless you have suggestions as to a better solution, then i suggest you shut your mouth.

anyone can criticise, but these people are very often putting their ass on the line, as they are often personally to blame if something goes wrong (for example, if in court evidence is thrown out due to bias and the child goes back to the abusive situation).

no one has told me what this latest "situation" is, i have admittedly been out of the country for over 2 months.

all i know is that, in my own childhood and those of children i have worked with at two seperate childcare centres, DOCS is a supportive and (sometimes) effective group who dont get enough backing from the government or from citizens such as the nay-sayers in this thread.


Aug 5, 2007
New South Wales
sorry if my grammar is soo bad.. it is 3 in the morning..

and i did say that often it isn’t the case workers but the system they have to jump through..

oh and this is a forum.. so i can moraless say what ever i like and voice my opinion with out u telling me to shut my mouth!

and im really happy that DOCS have been able to help u.. and uve had great experiences with them.. but does that mean that they are always like that or u got really lucky ?

Oh and making the system better.. How about we try simple first ? More case workers and better facilities, give them more power so they can get there jobs done properly, oh and reduce the stupid amount of paper work would probably help..

And I do realise that this has a lot to do with the government and funding.. But shouldn’t the government be investing in the children and helping a system that could do a lot of good?

i am sorry if my comments have offended u.. but its a forum.. u don’t actually have to read them..


Singing me and Julio
Mar 13, 2005
bellinda said:
oh and this is a forum.. so i can moraless say what ever i like and voice my opinion with out u telling me to shut my mouth!
i know this is a forum, but what good is it to attack a system with no better plan?

and im really happy that DOCS have been able to help u.. and uve had great experiences with them.. but does that mean that they are always like that or u got really lucky ?
well, as i said, i worked in childcare for the past two years and seen numerous occasions where they have basically saved childrens lives, and including my own experience, i'd say this isnt just luck.

Oh and making the system better.. How about we try simple first ? More case workers and better facilities, give them more power so they can get there jobs done properly, oh and reduce the stupid amount of paper work would probably help..
so what you are saying is that DOCS are a good organisation but are not given enough power by the government to do their jobs? this is very different from saying that they are "a waist (sic) of time" and "riding in on their whit (sic) horses"...

so you agree with the work they do but think they should be better staffed, have more funding and be given more freedom? so basically what i said in my previous post...

"i think they do a lot of good. they just have a lot of red tape to jump through."

i also think that you have to give your arguments more thought, even if this is a forum, unless you want people to just breeze over your posts without taking you seriously.


Aug 5, 2007
New South Wales
ok i give up u win.. whatever.. in the light of day i can see that my opinions are probably rash and my arguments week, however everyone’s experiences with the welfare system are different and personally the system me and my family have had to deal with does not function well... And were a wast of time, wether because of the case workers or the system they have to jump through

i am sorry if i offended u or anyone else, wasn’t what i intended at all
Sep 10, 2007
USA - the KKK and the CIA
AlleyCat said:
which situation is that?

because i have personally witnessed DOCS coming to the aid of children in dangerous situations at least 5 different times that i can recall, and they have always been firm, professional and helpful whenever i have witnessed them at work.

the thing is that child safety is a very tough issue to mediate, and considering all their pressure, they do a pretty good job imo.

i have no problem with people calling them whatever they want as long as it is backed up with facts and examples.
You need an eye test/attention span test;
katie_tully said:
Nah DOCS wont coz they know they're in the shit for the latest examples where they sent the kid home to the mother and it died three days later.
*Billy Corgan has been declared .... right!*

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