Originally posted by JRasnier
ummm huy, one thing u didnt think of is when they say between each personal computer and the wireless network server, they actually mean one side of the cable is in the personal computer and the other end at the wireless network server....
i still reckon its /8 * 1024, i really beleive it and noone can change my mind otherwise...for question 14, i had a full long post about all the questions that ppl are wandering whats the answer, but i tried to post it when bos was down, so all my typing went to waste....
Thanks, I went off the assumption that the cable was to be connected to ALL personal computers, replacing every Wireless connection with Broadband/Cable (the question is ambiguous and doesn't clearly define every term, uses the 'wrong' terms e.g. Web Server and Internet Server, but we've had this debate before in the official IPT forum, about real-world vs IPT theory

I'm not exactly sure what they mean, but that's how I understood it.
JRasnier, I
completely understand how you feel about "post disappearing" and not being 'actually' posted because of the database errors. It has happened *SO MANY* times I don't bother to reply "in full" and so I'm forced to recap everything I've typed in a few lines.
Originally posted by morrisoner
i think that for question 8 that they will accept both answer cuz different texts say /8 x 1024 (heineman) and excel says /1024
I had B, but I am now thinking D.
Size field = length in characters
1 character = 8 bits in size, 1 byte. (8 bits per byte).
20 characters in size/length = 20 bytes
100 records, with "20+10+10+6" (or whatever) results in a size in bytes.
Dividing by 1024 will give your answer
in kilobytes which was what had been required/asked of you.
There is no need for 8, as you would be assuming the characters are stored in bits, instead of bytes (and by definition, a character of 1 length occupies 1 byte of memory, or 8 bits).
I got it wrong, but they might accept /8*1024 if they don't read my post
Originally posted by JRasnier
thats because / 8 * 1024 is in bits, if u convert it, into bytes, then it becomes 1024 anywayz...so yeaha....
You are going off the assumption that the size is in bits, but you know that the size refers to the characters, and character lengths are in bytes.
(henceforth sizes are in bytes).
/1024 is the answer, because you already have bytes, so there is no need to multiply it by a further 8 bits (occupying 1 byte), to 'compensate' per se.
The answer is D... /1024,
The sizes refer to character lengths that can occupy the given field, the characters are then stored in the memory as bytes, given that 1 byte is equivalent to 8 bits, and the sizes are all given in characters, characters = bytes, and bytes = /1024 for KILObytes, there is no need for the 8