Holy crap the MC was pretty damn hard i thought. I was unsure of most of them (q's 2,3wtf,4,5,6,7,9) Hmmm...prehaps i should have studied a bit more but i couldnt bring myself to do it. NO MORE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yey
let me check my multiple choice
i dunno! though i most likely have question 3 and 4 wrong!
don't worry survivor..!! you probably survived it! besides you seem to have practically the same answers as me!
i have to say it was pretty damn hard compared to what i expected - that made the Trials look piss-weak!!!!!!!!! The calculatins were real hard like the stupid ramp thing on the wharf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????
I got C for 10, that was the hardest question IMO, A and C were within milimetres of each other, bullshit.
As for the ramp, did anyone else say its sliding? And how did you do it? I found tan@, then the coefficient was higher than was avaliable, so it would slide.
For the ramp question I thought angle of static friction is less than ange of inclination so it will slide but that couldnt have been worth 3 marks. So I worked out that angle of static friction + angle of incidence > angle of incidence. Also weight force of ramp is less than Frictional force, so no the ramp will not slide after all. Any thoughts ? I think 1 mark for drawing a FBD, so two marks for calculations.
Should have seen my FBD, it was so damn simple, it was just a block on a surface, with the Frictional force and coefficient of friction, easy one mark.
well i figured that you needed to find the frictional force for the wharfs surface, then you compare it with the static force being produced when the ramp against the floor. From that you can deduce by whether it will move (that is when the frictional force between the wharf and ramp is greater then the surface friction of the wharf!) - it didn't.. well that's what i ended up with~
4B ?
5B ?
6B ?
9D ?
10 A or C (can't remember... one of them!
as u can see most of mine were guesses!! But looking at everyone elses mine were pretty close to what everyone else got..
I only did the FBD for the last question, didn't have a clue about calculations, I thought the drawings were pretty easy though, I was overall really happy with them exam tho...