for question 4 on the HSC papers (the musicology extended response) it usually says to refer to works you have studied - how many does that mean? can you just do 2 or is more preferable?
you have 20 minutes to write that essay, and plus you want to get into detail. So I'd recomment 2 or 3, unless the essay topic is really narrowed, eg focusing on one musical concept like "how does tone colour.... etc"
but more often than not it'll be broad, so when it's broad, you'll have to cover quite a lot, so yeah, 2 or 3?
im studying 2 australian and 2 additional. i will only use two in the essay, but this way if it is something like tone colour or whatever, i can choose 2 pieces (1 additiona and one mandatory) which convey this better than the other 2.
Yes, agree with inner child. 20 minutes isnt long, so two will be plenty.
I'd go for 2 or 3 Max... agreed with the above 20 minutes aint long, and it seems to go bloody fast- i think i did 2 ... actually I can't really remember but meh