I know them, but HEY!! I like the way you remember them! I take my hat off to you!trumpet geek said:Modes as in Iolean, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mozart, Aeolian, Lochrian stuff??
Just think -
Think of the James Stamp warm up - he tells us to play the scalic warm ups (no.6 i think) in all sorts of scales eg major, minor, whole tone,etc. so he has written them with no sharps or flats. No wait thats confusing - think of the piano keys... imagine that the black keys did not exist and play a scale starting on C - thats your Iolian, and starting on D is Dorian and E is Phrygian, etc... and these scales can start on any note you just gota know the distance between each note of the scale arghhhhh i duno how to explain but like... yeah just play the stamp exercises and youll know what i mean! And then you can use them for like improvising in jazz and stuff
olay said:oh buggary :S we haven't covered modes since yr 9 or 10 or something... :S what sort of q'ns could they ask? would it be like *hands us a score* 'What key is blahblah in?' and then if it's a mode..... :O HOW DO WE KNOW IF ITS NOT C MAJOR??????? :S [sorry guys i'm stressing today...i want to cry].
wait which l is lydian? like or liszt? heheur_inner_child said:I know them, but HEY!! I like the way you remember them! I take my hat off to you!
olay said:oh guys i meant how do u differentiate modes from something being set in C major. i'm comfortable establishing diatonic keys, just not modes. because from what i gather modes are just the same thing as c major, but starting + ending on different notes. am i wrong in saying that? and then whats the diff between c maj and iolean mode???
bahodl said:wait which l is lydian? like or liszt? hehe
Haha or...trumpet geek said:Modes as in Iolean, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mozart, Aeolian, Lochrian stuff??
Just think -