Cherry, you're going to make me go over this again aren't you? SHAME ON YOU!
1) Correct, I'm receiving the independant rate, but not because I earnt $18,000. neo_o? Earn $18,000? NOT ON YOUR LIFE!
2) You can receive YA through other means. I don't think the away from home rate and other similar rates apply to you because they're means tested. However, there are other ways to gain independance. You can be an orphan, married etc etc. OR it can be
unreasonable for you to live at home.
3) While wishing to go to university in another state does not count, your family situation will. Also, depending on how rural you are, there may be a chance that you could get YA by claiming that it was IMPOSSIBLE for you to find work/go to university in your home town.
4) I got the run around when I called them. What you need to do is download the appropriate forms from the internet, walk in and hand them in. I got Centrelink the DAY AFTER I handed my forms in.
5) Register an intention to claim, then if you do claim within the next month (I think) they'll back date your payment to NOW.
6) Unfortunately, you can only really claim once you arrive in Canberra. If you want to be cheeky though, once you get your hall acceptance forms (and you accept) you can fill out your forms and mail them (or hand them in) just before you go down. That way, you'll have Centrelink as soon as you're down there

7) Getting links..brb.. just posting now so that i dont lose what ive already typed =/