Hi guys I'm having a bit of trouble picking my subjects, i don't really have a favourite subject but im into business etc.
I want to do something business related when im older (probably accounting)
These are the subjects I am thinking about picking, but not to sure if they are necessary for accounting or if theres somthing else i should do instead. i want to get the highest Atar i can
Business studies
Advanced English
Advanced Maths
Accounting TVET
Hospitality (probably going to drop in year 12)
and im not sure between:
PDHPE (im pretty good at it)
Legal Studies
Society and culture
thanks guys
If you want to get the highest ATAR with those subjects, here is what I would suggest (this is only a recommendation):
If you're good at PDHPE, and you think you can get above 85% easy, then choose it, rather than choosing a subject you're not sure about. Advanced English and Maths will definitely help you, but they are difficult, so if you're prepared, then go for it. I can't say anything about the other subjects really, but I'll give you information about PDH. It has ALOT of content, however, if you prepare your notes and study time, you will be fine. BTW, if you receive any assignments for the subjects you choose, why not get above 90% for them? You have every opportunity to do it, plus it will probably be guaranteed if you check it over with your teacher. It's also good in the long term, as exams aren not the same, and cannot be as reliable, however, if you achieve high marks for your school assignments, it will really help your school assessment marks, and could possibly save you if you stuff an exam. Hope this helps