(hmmm....*indecision* you'll see the dilemma if you have read my previous signature...

Let's use the 'ball just clears the fence example. We're going to find V. We know that it passes through this point x=A y=B, leet's say we also know the angle @
y=Vtsin@ - gt^2
since we know x, we can find t:
t= A/Vcos@
and sub that into equation for y
y= Vsin@ (A/Vcos@) - g(A/Vcos@)^2
And solve.
If we know V and @, and have to find where//if it hits someplace....
You'll be given a height or distance, so you can still work it out with the x and y equations. If you're given y, then it's going to be a quadratic... be prepared)
At Max. h, we've assumed v=0.
This equation... v^2 = u^2 + 2as
u=Vsin@, s is the max height...
If you then want the time, v=u+ at, v-0, and time for full flight is the same w/ v=-u (these velocities verrtical)
Another real example: THe cannon's on top of the cliff, we know it lands in the ocean at x... Given V , @, and x, find height of cliff.
x=Vtcos@; t=x/Vcos@
sub into y.. y'll be negative.
etc., etc. ad infinitum... I probably went too far , but still...