Thanks. It was an interesting read.
What are i, j and k vectors? I think I'm about to do them for Physics in university.
Also, for
: \ R \ \to \ R \ : \ x \ \to \ x^3)
... what does the

The i, j and k are unit vectors in the x, y and z direction respectively. Basically any vector can specified as a multiple of a unit vector. e.g. the point (1, 2, 3) would have a vector of
i + 2
j + 3
The notation R -> R refers to the domain being the real number set and the function values are have a codomain which is also the real number set (the codomain is not necessarily the range which can be a subset of the codomain). Basically a function is applied on x which exists in the real set and the possible values it can take after being cubed is also in the real set.
A good example is f(x) = x
2 is denoted as x |--> x
2 with the domain being all real x. The codomain of x
2 is also the real number set but note that its range is all non-negative real numbers (which is a subset of the full real number set codomain).