No more Africans (1 Viewer)

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
allyuk said:[img=]

Pictures say a thousand words. It's plain to see what immigration and multiculturalism has done to the UK. I invite all those who are sitting there behind their computer screens championing multiculuralism to come to London, Birmingham, Bradford etc and see how successful mass immigration has been. Yes in a perfect world everyone would get along perfectly, but the truth is we don't live in a perfect world. 25% of the population of England is from an ethnic minority and 2 million Poles have come to the UK since 2004. We are the only white family left in our road, and we don't even speak to our neighbours. There is no community spirit whatsoever.

We are told that we are no longer to have nativity plays in our schools for fear of offending non-christians, we are told that we are no longer able to sing 'Ba, Ba, Black Sheep' for fear of offending black people, we are told that we are not allowed to fly the Union Jacks for fear of offending minorities, councils have spoken about cancelling Christmas celebrations with a celebration of multiculturalism called Winterfest.

It's a complete joke, and no one says anything for fear of being called racist. It's political correctness gone mad. One of the reasons I like Australia is that you're not afraid of saying what you think!:)

Multiculturalism and mass-immigration have brought with them far more problems than they could have ever hoped to have solved!!

It's too late for the UK which is why 200,000 Brits leave every year for Aus, NZ, Spain etc, but I sincerely hope that Australia doesn't go down the same path.
You guys should have thought that one through before you colonized a quarter of the world hey?


Jul 29, 2007
allyuk said:

Pictures say a thousand words. It's plain to see what immigration and multiculturalism has done to the UK. I invite all those who are sitting there behind their computer screens championing multiculuralism to come to London, Birmingham, Bradford etc and see how successful mass immigration has been. Yes in a perfect world everyone would get along perfectly, but the truth is we don't live in a perfect world. 25% of the population of England is from an ethnic minority and 2 million Poles have come to the UK since 2004. We are the only white family left in our road, and we don't even speak to our neighbours. There is no community spirit whatsoever.

We are told that we are no longer to have nativity plays in our schools for fear of offending non-christians, we are told that we are no longer able to sing 'Ba, Ba, Black Sheep' for fear of offending black people, we are told that we are not allowed to fly the Union Jacks for fear of offending minorities, councils have spoken about cancelling Christmas celebrations with a celebration of multiculturalism called Winterfest.

It's a complete joke, and no one says anything for fear of being called racist. It's political correctness gone mad. One of the reasons I like Australia is that you're not afraid of saying what you think!:)

Multiculturalism and mass-immigration have brought with them far more problems than they could have ever hoped to have solved!!

It's too late for the UK which is why 200,000 Brits leave every year for Aus, NZ, Spain etc, but I sincerely hope that Australia doesn't go down the same path.
OMFG, im sick of fucking whinging poms. thats all your good for. i dont think australia would ever become so fucked up like the UK. stay the fuck in the UK, what ever minimum problem we got here is just going to get worse with fucking imperialist/colonalist self centred wankers like you.

how fucked is the govt to ban the flag? ROFLMAO. you guys a fucked. no joke. srsly. i heard this happened in australia aswell. but thats just stupid. anyways, how can the flag be offensive? like if your born in uk your obviously british/"country name". thats just fucked. UK is just fucked.

LOL blah blah black sheep? they banned blah blah black sheep. first off. 2 reasons are for this.

1. UK is fucked.
2. when people sang the song they actually thought of black people. now if this is teh case then the people of the UK are fucked.

i havnt been to primary school since 2000. but last time i was there we sang Christmas corrals, had Santa at school, sang blah blah black sheep. i don't think that has changed.

and over the years people are saying that Christmas tree are offensive to non-Christians. etc first off, i am muslim, i want to meet the Muslims/minorities that actually think that it is offensive. FUCK. when i see the massive Christmas tree, the santa clause, decorations in the mall, and the signs of "happy Christmas" i don't think about Christianity. i dont think anyone does. srsly. something is really fucked. and secondly, i dont think any1 gets offended. why would you. politicians are just going too far with political correctness. there is nothing wrong with being liberal but there is a limit. and this is passed the limit bordering stupidity.
lastly, i dont want to feel like im in saudi arabia when i walk into the shopping mall.
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New Member
Jun 18, 2008
bigboyjames said:
OMFG, im sick of fucking whinging poms. thats all your good for. i dont think australia would ever become so fucked up like the UK. stay the fuck in the UK, what ever minimum problem we got here is just going to get worse with fucking imperialist/colonalist self centred wankers like you.

how fucked is the govt to ban the flag? ROFLMAO. you guys a fucked. no joke. srsly. i heard this happened in australia aswell. but thats just stupid. anyways, how can the flag be offensive? like if your born in uk your obviously british/"country name". thats just fucked. UK is just fucked.

LOL blah blah black sheep? they banned blah blah black sheep. first off. 2 reasons are for this.

1. UK is fucked.
2. when people sang the song they actually thought of black people. now if this is teh case then the people of the UK are fucked.

i havnt been to primary school since 2000. but last time i was there we sang Christmas corrals, had Santa at school, sang blah blah black sheep. i don't think that has changed.

and over the years people are saying that Christmas tree are offensive to non-Christians. etc first off, i am muslim, i want to meet the Muslims/minorities that actually think that it is offensive. FUCK. when i see the massive Christmas tree, the santa clause, decorations in the mall, and the signs of "happy Christmas" i don't think about Christianity. i dont think anyone does. srsly. something is really fucked. and secondly, i dont think any1 gets offended. why would you. politicians are just going too far with political correctness. there is nothing wrong with being liberal but there is a limit. and this is passed the limit bordering stupidity.
lastly, i dont want to feel like im in saudi arabia when i walk into the shopping mall.
...seriously mate, I have no idea what you're on about lol :rolleyes:

Imperialist..colonialist? I only said that immigration has caused more problems than it has solved:rolleyes:

I have a few 'Indian' friends here in Brum and they all agree with me that enough's enough. I'm willing to take people as they come, wherever they are from. I'd rather live next to nice Chinese people than a twatty Brit for example.

And mate, what exactly are you arguing about? That I've been racist?....rather hypocritical when you're the one who has sat there making the anti-english remarks and telling me to stay in Britain. If I've made one racist statement then show me and I'll apologise, but until then don't act all morally righteous towards me when you're the one espousing the prejudiced crap.

TBF though, the (I'm sick of fucking whinging poms, thats all your good for) bit did make me laugh - :) lmao

I've been to Australia twice before and absolutely loved it. I haven't got a bad word to say about the country or the people, but yeah feel free to call me a 'Whinging Pom' as much as you like, it's no skin off my back :)
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Apr 26, 2007
bigboyjames said:
OMFG, im sick of fucking whinging poms. thats all your good for. i dont think australia would ever become so fucked up like the UK. stay the fuck in the UK, what ever minimum problem we got here is just going to get worse with fucking imperialist/colonalist self centred wankers like you.

how fucked is the govt to ban the flag? ROFLMAO. you guys a fucked. no joke. srsly. i heard this happened in australia aswell. but thats just stupid. anyways, how can the flag be offensive? like if your born in uk your obviously british/"country name". thats just fucked. UK is just fucked.

LOL blah blah black sheep? they banned blah blah black sheep. first off. 2 reasons are for this.

1. UK is fucked.
2. when people sang the song they actually thought of black people. now if this is teh case then the people of the UK are fucked.

i havnt been to primary school since 2000. but last time i was there we sang Christmas corrals, had Santa at school, sang blah blah black sheep. i don't think that has changed.

and over the years people are saying that Christmas tree are offensive to non-Christians. etc first off, i am muslim, i want to meet the Muslims/minorities that actually think that it is offensive. FUCK. when i see the massive Christmas tree, the santa clause, decorations in the mall, and the signs of "happy Christmas" i don't think about Christianity. i dont think anyone does. srsly. something is really fucked. and secondly, i dont think any1 gets offended. why would you. politicians are just going too far with political correctness. there is nothing wrong with being liberal but there is a limit. and this is passed the limit bordering stupidity.
lastly, i dont want to feel like im in saudi arabia when i walk into the shopping mall.
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif] Assalamualakum wa Rakmatullahi wa Barakatuhu
The long prayer after Isha Salat is sunnah while the morning prayer Fuj is compulsory, Islam is the religion and way of life of the middle way. In this holy month do as much as you can in extra worship, but don't make the mistake of missing a compulsory obligation in place of a sunnah.
As you hear the call for prayer (if you can hear it ) or as the first moment of Maghrib enters then break it with a date if you can or something sweet and some water or other prefered drink. I am very pleased to hear about your submission to Allah. I too am the only member of my family to become a muslim. I hope that in the comming years Allah the All mighty will bless you with a happly and loving family of your own inshAllah.
Read the Qu'arn, during this month and keep close to it with reading after the holy month has passed, do not be upset with what you may see in the world or what you see people do in the name of Islam. The Qu'arn was sent as a mercy to all mankind, we as muslims are in a very honoured position, in that there are no other messengers to come, so we have the duty that messengers had before us, that is to spread the message.
Spread it by your kindness, by your good conduct, by the knowledge that you will gather in the days and years ahead. May Allah the all mighty bless you and all muslims, guide us closer to the right path, and may you have a happy and blessed month.



Jul 29, 2007
historykidd said:
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif] Assalamualakum wa Rakmatullahi wa Barakatuhu
The long prayer after Isha Salat is sunnah while the morning prayer Fuj is compulsory, Islam is the religion and way of life of the middle way. In this holy month do as much as you can in extra worship, but don't make the mistake of missing a compulsory obligation in place of a sunnah.
As you hear the call for prayer (if you can hear it ) or as the first moment of Maghrib enters then break it with a date if you can or something sweet and some water or other prefered drink. I am very pleased to hear about your submission to Allah. I too am the only member of my family to become a muslim. I hope that in the comming years Allah the All mighty will bless you with a happly and loving family of your own inshAllah.
Read the Qu'arn, during this month and keep close to it with reading after the holy month has passed, do not be upset with what you may see in the world or what you see people do in the name of Islam. The Qu'arn was sent as a mercy to all mankind, we as muslims are in a very honoured position, in that there are no other messengers to come, so we have the duty that messengers had before us, that is to spread the message.
Spread it by your kindness, by your good conduct, by the knowledge that you will gather in the days and years ahead. May Allah the all mighty bless you and all muslims, guide us closer to the right path, and may you have a happy and blessed month.

dude.....wrong forum man, srsly. .....not cool man, not cool.


Jun 6, 2006
JaredR said:
Multiculturalism works when you have integration.

I support multiculturalism when we have integration.

People moving into your suburb and not participating or endorsing an Australian way of life is not integration.

I don't see how I can possibly be against multiculturalism when I support the State of Israel a nation made up of people from more than 170 countries around the world. Of course many are connected through their Judaism but cultures differ and this has resulted in what is now one of the the most cosmopolitan nations on earth and definitely within the Middle East.
Define 'the australian way of life'.


Jun 6, 2006
Schroedinger said:
Location: Narellan
Ethnicity: Ghanian.

Its in west africa. Contray to popular belief not everyone in the camden area is a white redneck racists.

Just most of them. :D

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