Random_87 said:
DRAGONZ one day youll have to get over that 38 years thing..... but by then it will probably been about 56 years or sumthin..... i dont know, lets just pretend we've won one title.
And hope your English went well today mate. I didnt think it was taht tough but tis is no english thread, just hope you found it alright... and know one final thing......
...... There. Put a hex on the dragons! lets see you win this week, i dont know who your playin tho....
Well yes, you are right. I am starting to get tired of 38 years. I've been singing it all season. Never fear, I shall be refreshed soon, for I shall be singing with renewed gusto: "39 years".
English was lame. If the teacher's are angels, the maximum I can get is 38/45 I reckon. But, more realistically, I'm looking at about 32... so it sucks. But it doesn't matter, because I hate English with a passion. Four unit maths on Monday! WOOO!!
And yeah, playing the Cowgirls on Friday night. Should be a cracker.
madmanjd said:
hey bookie, random, i am in fact in a great position to kick rob's arse. and that would work in my favour also because not only does he piss me off about the sharks, he beats me in every test. so just say the word........................................
Hey, we got equal in the last four unit exam.
kimi said:
Does that mean you see him in person? Cos if you do, can you please punch him a total number of 536 times for me. Thats the number of times ive suppose to have punched him cos hes either said Roosters suck, proved me wrong, or been a bitch to me. Can you also throw in some kicks?
Bullsh*t 536 times! The highest number I could possibly command thus far is about 45. Maximum.
madmanjd said:
i go to school with him, saw him today and hit him. sure ill punch him, but no kicks sorry.
and if u ever want someone to kiss him for you ask jermir

jermir's dream is to be gay with rob
(good luck in eco tomorrow buddy)
Punch me and I'll beat you in the four unit exam on purpose.
And f*ck you for talking about Jermir like that, dude. He's one of my best friends.
I didn't do the economics exam today... I had it rescheduled.
Random_87 said:
Alright Madman you'll be the first to know if i want to hit Rob, but i dont think id want to hit nobody...... unless the dragons win the premiereship. Then you can punch him all you want. And judging from your remark about the tests i guess Rob is pretty smart... or maybe hes a nerd, hmmm next time your at a dragons game rob tell me. ill try to watch the match and look for the nerd in the crowd, hahaha

DRAGONZ, who would of thought...... your a nerd, not that theres anything wrong with that!
So you'll be wanting to hit somebody.
I'm not smart, nor am I a nerd. That said, I haven't started study for tomorrow's English exam yet... nor have I started the six week assignment due tomorrow either. Meh, I'll do it later.
I'm pretty sure I'll be getting out to the R24 match against Parramatta, mate. See you there
madmanjd said:
haha robs a former soccer rep player, he's one of em all rounder bastards, smart and fit and stuff.
Cut the crap, Julse! Stop shamelessly promoting me here!
I am NOT smart. I am certainly NOT fit. I am NOT good at soccer, either. I just play on the weekends for Falcon team, so there!
Random_87 said:
Ohh lucky bastard! I always envied those ppl! ive only ever been reasonably good at swimming. I cant even play Rugby no more cos of back problems.... Im also alright at Bball cos i can shoot and i got a good height for it (6 ft 2 and a bit). But i miss rugby, i only played union but i was alright in my hay day, and the coach predicted i'd be in the firsts this year..... what a bummer. I rekon i would of been in the 2nds though.
So damn you rob! and your all round talent. Whilst im not dumb, im not smart, but i did get into one of those "selective schools" so thats how i kno i cant be that stupid....
There is no reason for you to envy me, then
And congratulations on being an awesome sport player yourself. Shame about the back
Julse and I go to a "selective school".... North Sydney Boys' High from memory.
ANYWAY, this thread got way too out of control. It went from being an NRL discussion to a discussion about me, which is bloody stupid.
Back to the NRL --->
R.I.P. Robert Stone ... mate, you were a top player and a great bloke. The Dragons will never forget you. At 49 you didn't deserve to die so early. We're bringing home the Premiership in 2005 just for you, Stoney. I think someone iin the Army is making a banner saying "Do It For Stoney". Take it easy and have a great time watching from above as the boys turn it on in September.
R.I.P. Albert Clift ... I don't know much about this fellow, except he died at the tender young age of 101 and used to play the game. He was South Sydney's number 1 supporter. The Bunnies would have done him proud on Sunday, and I'm sure they still have a couple of upsets to pull in season '05.
In transfer news, Souths signed Shane Elford today on a two year deal. IMO, he is a crappy player. But then, Paul Mellor isn't so flash either. At least they've bought well in Nathan Merritt and extended Luke Macdougall's contract for a year.
The restrictions imposed by the Bulldogs and Telstra Stadium on their fans show they are serious, and I think it's a good move. Some stupid Doggies fans seem to think the NRL imposed these sanctions on the club.
Sorry for the long post :S