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ok. can someone give me advice on this essay.. (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 17, 2007
it was my trial essay and i got 11/15 for it... but the teacher who marked it didnt actually give me any comments in which would improve it.... so i'm stuck.

the only thing that was written on it was "Relate it to the question"

hmmm. i cant seem to find my trial exam paper thing... so i cant remember what the question was either.... but i think we had to use one of the quotes that were given to us in the previous part for the comprehension section one thing...hmmm.

i hope you can read it... as i just scanned it onto my comp...

but yes... can you let me know how i can fix it up and get higher marks?

thank you.

it goes image 1 then image 2 then image 3.
thanks again!


Apr 23, 2006
Much as I would love to help you out, I cannot decipher much of the words as they appear to be too bright. Is there anyway you can somehow type it out or if not make the words darker? Read some of it, I think it has potential :]!


New Member
May 17, 2007
here is the typed version of my esssay! sorry the scanned version was so hard to read!!!


Apr 23, 2006
Alright, I'm not too sure which school you're from but from where I'm at, it's imperative that you need to get the basics right before anything else.

From what Iknow, writing your composers' name and the text names of ALL the texts you are discussing about is required in your introduction. I can tell you mentioned 'William Shakespeare' and the text 'The Tempest,' but nothing else other than that.

And it would be nice to structure your essay nicer so that it is easy for the marker to identify what you're going to talk about in each paragraph. Remember, markers do have to mark a lot of papers and last thing they want to do is look around and spend time on what is preliminary. Start off with a thesis statement and then talk about it using your texts. REMEMBER make sure your thesis statements have links to answering your question or your bound to get lower marks.

I've noticed that you do raise valid points, but you need to consider the language you are using to be a little more sophisticated. Like for an example, the line "Speculating about these things is ok" can be enhanced by replacing the word 'ok' into 'commendable.' In addition, the line "The Chorus goes" can be changed to... "The chorus states." Not only to an extent does this make you look more professional (not that it has any great concern) but it also affects the way the markers consider the flow of your essay.

Speaking of flow of essays, I noticed grammar needs work! I want you to read this line for yourself and tell me how hard it is to say it in one breath...

"It reflects on the decisions taken to lead on one journey and how making, choosing that path instead of the other one even though you have encountered hard times, it turned out for the better and you learnt a lot of things along the way, even though it may have been painful and in the end you can use those painful experiences for the better by helping other people get through similar situations because not all situations are the same or have the same consequences."

The flow is once again, disrupted. I could possibly have used about 3-4 fullstops in this paragraph alone. And because the flow of your essay has been disrupted, the idea you're trying to express too, fails to deliver... Which overall I'd say is a double negative :(!

And having a look at your essay as a whole, it is way too short. Blunt but honest; but essays are a discussion and to my personal belief, I see this more or less as constant statements. Without going in-depth into texts, you just won't get the marks.

Another thing I can pin point is that there are inadequate use of techniques. It feels to me that you're in fact, re-writing the story. Rather than discussing. Read the paragraph to yourself...

"In The Tempest there is a magician named Prospero and he finds a spirit trapped in a tree, he sets the spirit free on the condition that the spirit works for him for 7 years. A fair bit later he asks the spirit to set up a storm to shipwreck this boat that is close by. The spirit does as it is told and the boat is shipwrecked."

The marker already knows what The Tempest is about, and to remind him/her is just a ridiculous waste of time. Spend A LITTLE time stating which particular scene you're going to talk about, and spend MORE time raising points by using quotes and techniques. Techniques can include both visual techniques and language techniques and I can't say I've seen any utilised. More than anything, techniques are what will drive you to success.

And last of all, cut out what isn't required.

"The Road Not Taken is a good related text from the journeys booklet to match The Tempest."

I'm going to receit that once more for the sake of it... 'The Road Not Taken is a good related text...' Ask yourself the question 'was that necessary?' The markers acknowledge this as a waffle, and know you have inadequate knowledge of your text. Stop it at all cost.

I hope this has helped you to understand what you have lacked in and don't get me wrong here, I'm not trying to be the devil, but more of the mentor that will assist you into becoming better. And in no way am I trying to discourage you! Learn from it and you should be better for your HSC :)


New Member
May 17, 2007
yeah... i understand.
i took it into school today to see what the teacher who marked it thought needed to be done with it to make me get the marks and welllll... they did mention the whole recounting of the story thing...
so thank for your other input...
i'll try and re-write it over the next day or so and then repost it... =]

thank you for your advice.


New Member
May 17, 2007
hmm. ok.. umm confused about the length... you said it was too short...
when i wrote it.. it was hand written and it reached 3 normal pages... and when i saw the teacher who marked today at school... he didnt mentioned anything about it being too short. =S


Apr 23, 2006
Alright, the reason why I claimed that it was fair bit short is because you are vaguely touching the surface of the material you want to talk about...

I'll give you a metaphorical example.

Say you decide to go fishing. The most logical thing to do is make sure your bait (Attached to the hook) is well into the water since fish are most likely hidden in the deep depths. Right? So what good would it be to make the bait only just touch the water? Crap, absolutely crap.

Much like your essay, imagine the water is your text and the fish are the techniques/quotes/concepts hidden inside. You want to be able to catch those fish by making sure your bait goes deep inside. What you're doing right now, is only putting that bait on the surface of the water. So shove that bait right in there baby. Much like how you should be approaching your essay; you need to go in-depth into your texts to collect the techniques, quotes and concepts you want.

Now, here's the problem. The sea isn't always clean since humanity tends to exploit it. Thus, rubbish, toxic waste and other obstacles will make it hard for you to catch those scrumptious fish. So if you reel junk in, what are you going to do? Keep them?


Obviously, you'll discard them. Much like your essay(s), only write what you need (fish) and not the stuff you don't need (rubbish).

And once you're done with fishing, you'll want to make a meal out of it.

So say we mix 'em all together and wal la, there's your meal which we could refer to as an essay. Right now, it seems like you caught way too much rubbish and rather than making a fish cruisine, you've successfully made a rubbish cruisine.

Right now, you will feel that you've written a lot, or in the metaphorical case, you've caught a lot of fish. You're right. But what you don't realise, is that you've caught a lot of rubbish instead. You need to be able to distinguish this problem!

Before you even consider about how much you write as a problem, think about the relevant points you point out. Then and only then should you be concerned about it. After all, it's about quality, not quantity!

I'm writing up my Section III essay as well, and I've only just finished my 1st paragraph which itself takes up 1 page. Having met my tutor this morning, she claims that my first paragraph alone with the great level of analysis will definitely put my essay in the A range category. Maybe when I'm finish, I'll let you see the difference it has compared to yours!


New Member
May 17, 2007
Yeah.. thanks.
I guess its good to hear advice like that... blunt but good because then i can hopefully get more marks.. and if i do... i will have you to thank for that.

I liked your metaphorical example. =]
Its helped alot..
I started my essay again from scratch... but instead of doing the whole repeat the question/quote thing at the beginning... i have a different approach but it's taken me ages just to come up with it... and i'm finding myself getting stuck on it frequently cos i'm trying to as you say metaphorically "stop catching rubbish". And i'm taking all your advice in on the way... but its just taking forever... i guess thats what happens with good written essays though.

Oh and do you have any thoughts on who's journey's i should talk about?
Thank you.
And oh yeah... it would be good to read your essay to compare how crap mine is compared to yours when its done...

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