this is a true tragedy. it happened to julie this morning.
2 weeks ago i ordered a macbook online n it said it'll be shipped on the 12th, however this morning iMac had an upgrade; Core 2 Duo processor.. im afraid they'll upgrade the macbooks soon too =(.
thus i went to cancel my online order, n realised the shipping has delayed till the 26th. BUT IT WOULDN'T LET ME CANCEL prolly due to the fact my macbook was configured; i added some more ram. but its only the 7th n they've already configured my macbook? pfft so i called appleservice center n the dude said he has no idea why it wouldn't let me cancel. he said he'll speak to the managers tomorrow n give me a reply.. omg im so scared.. what if they dont let me cancel the order and right after i get it.. the new macbook releases.. omggggg wut do i do! life sucks =( =(
2 weeks ago i ordered a macbook online n it said it'll be shipped on the 12th, however this morning iMac had an upgrade; Core 2 Duo processor.. im afraid they'll upgrade the macbooks soon too =(.
thus i went to cancel my online order, n realised the shipping has delayed till the 26th. BUT IT WOULDN'T LET ME CANCEL prolly due to the fact my macbook was configured; i added some more ram. but its only the 7th n they've already configured my macbook? pfft so i called appleservice center n the dude said he has no idea why it wouldn't let me cancel. he said he'll speak to the managers tomorrow n give me a reply.. omg im so scared.. what if they dont let me cancel the order and right after i get it.. the new macbook releases.. omggggg wut do i do! life sucks =( =(