I only just stopped wearing some of my favourite colours a few months ago

So hard to give up all my pretty pastel pinks and creams... but let's face it, they just don't look very good on me

The trick is to SERIOUSLY be ruthless, or have a ruthless friend sitting next to you.
Alternatively give us a description of your skin tone and we can do a rough colour chart from there.
Remember - you can still use some of your favourite colours in your room. Fear not, your favourite colours can work their way into your life through other ways!
Some quotes from T&S to get me started:
"...deciphering your flaws and assets is a crucial part of looking your best. ... And girls, you absolutely HAVE to do this, however painful it might be."
Now I'll work top to bottom:
If you have a scrawny neck like Trinny's, you can wear chunky scarves (looped and tied) as well as turtlenecks. They'll make your neck look less scrawny and more in proportion to the rest of your body.
But if you have a wider/shorter neck, stick to thinner scarves and DON'T wear turtlenecks (PATICULARLY NOT IN DARK COLOURS) because then you will logically loose all the neck you have!!! You can help your neck look longer by wearing V-neck tops - the "V" will elongate your neck (being one of the most flattering shapes).
Upper arms
The chunkier they are, the more incentive there is to hide them. Now that being said, T&S are directed at a slightly older market - as youngun's I don't think we have to worry too much about this. But if you want to read on, then read on
If you have a heavier bone structure and have upper and lower arms that are pretty much in proportion to each other, you can wear any sort of sleeve you like (until I find a reference that says otherwise). So, lucky you

Might not be a good idea to wear oversized sleeves though - then you will just make yourself look bony :S
If you have proportionately chunky upper arms, you are likely to have delicate forearms and wrists. So covering up the chunky upper arm is half the solution. The other is to draw attention to your skinnier forearms and wrists! So a FITTED (if it's thick lace or non-fitted, you're just going to make it look bigger) elbow-length, 3/4-length or even fluted sleeve is perfect for you because it'll hide what you don't want seen, whilst highlighting what you do want to show off. Things to avoid: Puffy sleeves that are too tight and make the flesh below the seam bulge out (this will make things look worse) and also cap sleeves, because they'll cut your arm off at the widest point (also making things look worse). In summer, sleeveless and strapless tops will make chunky upper arms look smaller because they will be seen in comparison to the much larger decollage area.
And for an important part - boobies!
A good bra is a good bra is a good bra. And that's all I have to say!
Ok. I lie.
If you're on the small side (I used to be an A cup, so I'm speaking from experience here) low-cut tops will not make you look bigger (but powar to the gals who wear them anyway! hahaha). However, push-up bras, inserts, and detailling over bust area (like ruffles and gathering) will. Failing that, go for tops that are quite high around the neck (like a high scoop or turtleneck) in a thick knit that will bulk you out a bit. People who tend to be small in front have a habit of carrying little body fat around the rest of them, so they normally have arms, a waist, and a back to kill for

So, hide what you don't like, and show off what you do like!
On the other hand, if you're a bit bigger, covering yourself from waist to neck actually makes you look HUGE. And if you wear one of those semi-fitted turtle neck things, it will look like your boobs start from your neck, and go all the way down to your waist (even if you are wearing a good bra underneath). Oh dear! (This is why people with smaller chests SHOULD wear neck-to-waist things, because it makes whatever you have look bigger)
The solution is to show off you boobs without showing toooo much. Strange as it sounds, if you cover up everything it makes you look bigger in a "HELLO HERE ARE MY BOOBS!" kind of way - if you show off a little more (as in just a little bit above where cleavage begins) with a nice scoop (eg singlet top line) or V-neck, then you will actually look smaller/more in proportion.
A problem area for many of us - tummy!
If you have a perfect waist and a totally flat tummy, I hate you.
In other news. Look at yourself sideways in the mirror and figure out whether you have a podgy lower tummy or not (I do, for example). If you don't, breathe a sigh of relief. If you do, don't burst into tears - you just need to be a little bit more careful in how you dress, that's all

Don't give your body an opportunity to show off it's pudge - stick to forgiving waistlines, which tend to be hipster or have a "V-shape" or scoop in the front (yes, they do make clothes like this - you just have to find them!).
There are a couple of ways you can hide a tummy - here's a few off the top of my head:
* Wear your jackets/coats open (this won't work so well with double-breasted coats/jackets). Particularly if one is patterned, or they are in different colours, you create a vertical "column" of colour in the middle which can help you look taller and thinner. At the very least, it'll break up your horizontal bulk
* DON'T wear anything waisted, unless it's some kind of demi-corset. A waisted pair of pants will only make your butt look bigger, and emphasise any sort of tummy you have. Same goes for a top that finishes on the waist. A 50s style dress on the other hand, with a neat waistband on or just under the waist, looks divine particularly if it has a "V" in the front.
* Avoid horizontal stripes, but jump to any vertical ones you can find (whether applied detail, fabric print or seam detailling). Particularly on jackets, vertical or predominantly vertical diagonal lines will work beautifully (this is why both of clairegirl's sass and bide jackets rock).
* Draw the attention away from the tummy area with details elsewhere. At night, I'll wear a lot of low-cut tops

In the daytime, you can accessorize with a nice necklace, or choose tops that have some sort of structured detailing that will lend you a waist - such as ones with ruching/gathers at the top (which tend to double as bust-enhancers, too).
* If you can't beat 'em, join em! You know those crossover tops that have the ruching on the sides? Between the 'real' folds and the fabric folds, nobody will be able to tell the difference

* You can achieve a slimming effect by emphasising a vertical line - such as wearing block colours from head to toe. But try not to resort to black - any colour will work (and this winter, rich colours ROCK!).
* And finally - WEAR CLOTHES THAT FIT YOU. Contrary to popular belief, baggy clothes only make YOU look baggy too. However, flesh-guzzling tops that are a few sizes too small (like when your flesh bulges out at any given opportunity)won't work either. Get clothes that fit! Like they say - "skim = slim!"
Will leave it there for now