Originally posted by redslert
you will be surprised!
you should go ask some older people with eye problems and the amount of drugs they need....it may not be the drugs your thinking about but they can include eye drops, some other medicines
most optometrists dont recomend laser surgery
optometrists are special, they are one of the very few professions where you need all three sciences, biology, chemistry and physics...
they are also the very few 'professional' people where if you want to get a government binding document, say a visa or something.....and you need a witness or a trustee
the only people you can get for it are doctors, lawyers, stockbrokers or optometrists!
how do i know this? my father is one and my cousin is in her 2nd year at unsw....
maybe most optometrists don't recommend laser surgery because they cannot profit from it (what do you need glasses for if your eyesight is corrected? I know what one i'd prefer) - same as a laser surgery firm would not recommend glasses..
i don't mean any respect to your father's occupation at all, but its great that it combines those 3 sciences, but in everyday practice optometry is administering the same basic test to everyone - the people who designed those test/s may have used the 3 sciences combined, but the actual optometrist's job is to administer the test and give them glasses, as such i don't see optometrists as particularly 'special'.
and that 'professional' thing you wrote was a joke. The reason I say that is because if you know what a stockbroker is you'd know that you can become one without any formal qualifications and practice as one, and as such the implication is that anyone can become one and therefore do that visa stuff..
I just don't see any relationship between optometrists (yes people who fit/sell glasses to you often at the local shopping center) and being a witness to government documents. I think what you are referring to is a JP (justice of peace), which people from all different professions can apply for it, not just someone from those 4 professions, and JPs can do that witness stuff you were referring to