Wow, it seems that more people have been on exchanges to foreign countries than I thought!!! Lucky bastards

So.... did they change your world view and sort of have really big affects on you, regarding one's place in the world and all that?
ANYWAY. For me, I'm with clerisy (and that message written in January

) on living in Europe one of these days. Now that it is 10 countries bigger it'd be so much territory to easier explor!
I really want to visit all the Baltic countries like Latvia, Estonia... they still look really purely back 300 years with all the architecture virtually untouched... lovely.
I've been to China - which I adored... I only ewnt to Beijing and did all the really touristy things like the Great Wall, Forbidden City etc... but it was an experience... They make very nice Milo drinks over there! Chinese Milo.

I'm still a bit torn whether to just bugger schoolies and save the $500 odd dollars for a trip to Europe one of these days. Some of us were just going to rent a place in Coffs for a week, but the more I think about it, the more i just don't care. Europe is just a billion times more worth it than a week of nothingness...
For me: tri[ to Europe will go via a week in China, then the Trans-Siberian railway from Vladivostok to Moscow, plane or coach to Prague, week there, then through southern Germany and a circle around France, up to Germany and the North, then over tothe UK, for a bit of work.... then from there do little stints to all over Europe
What does everyone say to backpacking? Safe? Do it? Save lots of moolah that way???? m?