hey, i just discovered this website its awesome, wot a great idea!! thanks!!
i jsut recently started the 1st term of yr12 and already our teachers are hounding us for our p.i.p topic selections. i have come up with a few ideas but still unsure to which direction i would take with each choice, here are a few:
-Mcdonalds and societies views on the fast food industry ( i figured since i worked ther LOL shame!! i could get alot of information) and how its leading to obesity in australians then relate to the movie 'supersizeme'
-Depression in the elderly, factors causing their depression. i could interview the widowed and married elderly and explain the differnces also explaining the generation gap which could cause their depresision.
-'Retail therapy' societies comfort in materialisitic things bringing pleasure and believing that materialism will enhance their social status and happiness both short term and long term.
-FOod and the theory behind binge eating, why people eat food excessively, the effects of comfort eating. could lead to lifestyle diseases and socialisation difficulties due to image problems.
-How people who drive combi's are linked to the stereotypical 'hippie' i could explore the morals and values linked with 'hippies' i think this will be too broad... instead of jsut combi's i could research stereotypical links associated with all types of cars, the hoted up 'doof' vehicle, the tarago(family wagon), the barina etc
-conformity amongst adolescence, why teenagers feel it necesary to conform and y they are afraid to be themselves.
-adultry, the rising rate of divorce
-mobile phone use in teenagers
so yeah as u can see ive been thinking about this alot, and ideas of topics i could use or suggestions on these would be soo good im stressin so much already!!
thanks again xox
i jsut recently started the 1st term of yr12 and already our teachers are hounding us for our p.i.p topic selections. i have come up with a few ideas but still unsure to which direction i would take with each choice, here are a few:
-Mcdonalds and societies views on the fast food industry ( i figured since i worked ther LOL shame!! i could get alot of information) and how its leading to obesity in australians then relate to the movie 'supersizeme'
-Depression in the elderly, factors causing their depression. i could interview the widowed and married elderly and explain the differnces also explaining the generation gap which could cause their depresision.
-'Retail therapy' societies comfort in materialisitic things bringing pleasure and believing that materialism will enhance their social status and happiness both short term and long term.
-FOod and the theory behind binge eating, why people eat food excessively, the effects of comfort eating. could lead to lifestyle diseases and socialisation difficulties due to image problems.
-How people who drive combi's are linked to the stereotypical 'hippie' i could explore the morals and values linked with 'hippies' i think this will be too broad... instead of jsut combi's i could research stereotypical links associated with all types of cars, the hoted up 'doof' vehicle, the tarago(family wagon), the barina etc
-conformity amongst adolescence, why teenagers feel it necesary to conform and y they are afraid to be themselves.
-adultry, the rising rate of divorce
-mobile phone use in teenagers
so yeah as u can see ive been thinking about this alot, and ideas of topics i could use or suggestions on these would be soo good im stressin so much already!!
thanks again xox