Today I found a perfect example of why there should be M plates. I went to the top of my street and stopped waiting to turn right onto this other street. A car was coming, and because I am mostly a patient driver I waited when I would of been able to go if I hurried.
So this old guy drivers past and I pull out behind him. And we are driving along and he is going 40 and 45 for no reason and slowing down a ridiculous amount for bends and turns. If I could of found a spot to overtake I would have which would mean speeding on the wrong side of the road but he was pissing me off so bad.
Now if this car had M plates on it, and I saw these M plates I would have pulled out infront of this guy so I wouldn't get stuck behind him. Which would mean
1. I wouldn't be pissed off
2. He wouldn't have someone tailgaiting him
3. It would reduce the change of me trying to overtaken him driving 80 in a 50 zone on the wrong side of the road.
4. It would prevent me from speeding like a moron after he turned off the road because I was so frustrated from sitting behind him for so long
So if you think that M plates aren't a good idea, there are 4 reasons why they are.