electrons have four quantum numbers that describe what state they're in - the principle number, the magnetic number.. ah crap i can't remember.. there's another one.
anyhoo. before pauli, there were 3. But then Pauli came along and introduced a fourth quantum number 's' which is associated with an electron's intrinsic 'spin'. (you have to realise the electrons aren't actually spinning like balls.. its just a way of describing it...=P)
The exclusion priniciple jus says that no two electrons can have all four quantum numbers in common. That is, if an electron occupies a quantum state described by the four numbers, then that state is 'occupied.'
This allowed pauli to yes, explain max number of electrons in each shell (making electron configuration fully intelligble) and also helped explain characteristic properties of elements including conductivity and magnetism.. i think... (?????)
remember u have to assess the contribution as well.(assess? evaluate? forgotten...). like.. well duh it was important cuz it allowed us to know electron configuration... >.<... a couple of years after, huge advances were made in quantum theory and the essential importance of the exclusion principle could be seen...so pauli has had a lasting impact.. and i think he got a nobel prize...