From all the info I have gathered, if u do higher scaling subjects, eg. 3 / 4 unit maths, Physics, Chem, Latin ... etc. ur marks in each course need to be somewhere 80 and up to get a UAI over 90. (if u get marks over 90 for all of these subjects, most likely, u r looking at a UAI over 98!!! ) For lower scaling subjects, im under the impression that if u get over 90 / band 6 / E4 in the majority or every one of ur courses, u will get a UAI over 90 for sure - most likely over 95, in most cases - regardless of the courses u have completed. Any thoughts on this? :/
p.s. if u can't do maths, don't do it!!!!!
u have been deprived of this in regard to english, take full advantage of ur right to choose to keep maths / drop it ... it's a blessing!!! I came out of the maths exam telling every1 I should have dropped it - I don't need it at all next year!!!!! Don't get me wrong, ppl who are good at maths are truly amazing and should use this to full advantage, but don't listen to every1 who tells u to do maths - English is not for air heads!!! It is hard and complex, it is not the easier option .... it is just as hard as maths in its own right .... sorry, but my dad is a HSC physics teacher / marker and he reckons Maths is SO important and english isn't.... Im hopeless at maths ... but I still did it - i wish I hadn't!!!!!!! 4 Unit English Rocked. Sorry every1, the stresses of the past year have now been laid to rest.

(and u have born the brunt!

) Target UAI achieved!!!! And now I am eternally happy. No more maths 4 eva!!!!