^My experiment was 2.3.5 in the Moving about topic.
Plan, choose equipment or resources and perform first-hand investgations to gather data and use available evidence to show the relationship between force, mass and acceleration using suitable apparatus.
Let me explain briefly: We had to show the relationship between force, mass and acceleration, so basically F=MA.
We used a trolley, ticket timer, string, pulley and weights.
So we basically have to calculate the acceleration of the trolley moving as the LOAD pulling the trolley is kept CONSTANT, while the mass put on the trolley varies. The tickettimer tape is attached at the front of the trolley so wen the trolley moves, the tape also moves and thus the tickettimer will print dots on it.
the theory is that as the load is kept constant, and the mass of weights put on trolley increases, the dots shown on the tickettimer tape will be closer together, the less weight the furthur apart the dots. -- Becos the faster it travels, the less time for the ticket timer to print dots on.
^ well when i did the experiment the first time, i tested 4 masses of weight on the trolley, the results were varying, and rejects the above theory.
the second time i did the experiment, i tested 5 masses, it was pretty consistent and conclusive until the 5th mass which was off from the rest.
Please take the time to read this, will greatly appreciate it.