PIP Survey (: do me, i'm cheesy. (1 Viewer)

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Sep 5, 2007

Hi :) my survey topic is 'why do asian parents put so much emphasis on success'. Basically, cross cultural between asian/non-asian. so anyone can do it ^_^ yeah. have fun
cheers~ constructive criticism please and thank you.

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1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
o Yes
o No

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists?

3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not?

4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not?

5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents?

6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel?

Thank you :shy:


Feb 28, 2006
Deep trenches of burning HELL
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1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
o Yes
o No

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists? Because it helps humanity to advance to new heights and assists in 'fitting in'

3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not? Because people are forced into unfamiliar things which they are not comfortable with and at times unsuitable to them or even dangerous

4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not?

Because society evolves at a very fast pace and more expectations will arise as a result and competitions will become even more intense

5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents?

To be a good boy who comes home early, doesn't engage in theft and whose manners are perfect all the time

6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel?
It has awakened the dormant greater potential inside me and it feels like an invigorating boost

Thank me :shy:


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Jan 5, 2008
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1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
o Yes
o No

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists?
I guess its because your parents (especially) want you to work at your highest so that you have a well paying, respectable job.

3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not? I think it can have a negative effect on those whose parents or people in general pressure them into succeeding. Sometimes the pressure gets too much and after having people control your views towards your life you start to forget about what you really want out of your life and what part you want to play in todays society.

4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not? Yes i think the pressure will continue because as the years go by there is alot more competition out there and finding a good job is getting alot harder, parents will continue to pressure their kids just to help them excel.

5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents?
My parents dont really pressure me about anything, i mean i do get the occasional lecture about how i should always do my best, try my hardest, study etc etc.. but they are always letting me make my own choices which really lets me feel like im in control and any mistakes i make i can learn from.

6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel?

I cant stand it, it makes me feel so restricted and it just stresses me out completely but if it pays off in the end then i look at it differently. =D

Thank Me lol :shy:


Aug 11, 2007
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Nationality: _Maltese_

1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
o Yes
o No

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists?
It exists as people want/want others to achieve the very best they can in life as it, in most cases, enables a sucessful life in terms of future careers, etc.

3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not?
Pressure to suceed may involve actions like avoiding certain social activities to do other things - e.g. study for a school exam - affecting social lives for a person to possibly act differently than others act. But that is really a matter of choice whether a person will put in an effort to learn social customs anyway. So yes and no - social behaviour varies up and down regardless of pressure to suceed. HOWEVER, in general, the isolation of a person to suceed most likely will have initial negative social effects - which 'may' continue over a long time span.

4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not?
Yes. The human goal of "achieving their best" will continue into the future.

5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents?
Avoiding situations that are unsafe/violent/etc.

6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel?
Its affects me in a good way, but i'm pretty self-motivated. My parents are happy as long as i try my best (although they would want me to do above average i assume). My pressure to succeed comes mostly from my free-will to achieve my maximum potential (in academic terms anyway). It makes me feel good lol, putting it bluntly.

Thank Me As Well :shy:
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Sep 12, 2007
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Nationality: South African

1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
o Yes
o No

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists? Because in society everything depends on everything else. If the pressure to succeed was to dissapear, society would begin to deteriorate. Ambitious people need non-ambitious people and non-ambitious people need Ambitious people. After all, who would mow your lawn when you become rich if everyone had ambitions to do the same. Equally, whose lawn would you mow if everyone had equally simple ambitions in life.

3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not? I think it effects individuals differently. The only thing that I disagree with is that I feel people should create their own reasons and motivations to do what they do otherwise I think later in life when you're living on your own and that pressure is gone you've got to push yourself.

4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not? Yes.. its inherent to society.

5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents?
Non (aside from my mother wanting me to get a part time job :p-- but then, I want/ need the money anyway!!). The only reason I succeed academically is because I don't want to dissapoint them, and the reason I don't want to dissapoint them is because I love and respect them, not because they've told me to succeed

6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel? As mentioned above-- my parents don't pressure me :p


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Sep 4, 2007
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Nationality: Australian

1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
they obviously want me to do well but basically leave it up to me

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists?
self gratification and self worth

3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not?
completely depends on the individual. Some students need and crave pressure (although this often can lead to dependence on it) and without the pressure their potential would not be reached.
Others feel restricted by the pressure placed on them, and, instinctive to adolescence, rebel against authority. this then can contrive the student and they 'burn out' or give up.

4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not?
yes, society's self inflicted demands and requirements won't change that dramatically in generations to come.
a change in these demands would require a complete revolution and upheaval of any and all existing instinctive human values.

5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents?
hardly any, but perhaps if i didn't put pressure on myself then it'd be an entirely different matter.

6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel?
when I am pressured by external forces I feel so constricted and do awfully. If i had my parents pressuring me to succeed, I'd most likely drop out and become a hairdresser.


New Member
May 16, 2007
4mand4 said:
Hi :) my survey topic is 'why do asian parents put so much emphasis on success'. Basically, cross cultural between asian/non-asian. so anyone can do it ^_^ yeah. have fun
cheers~ constructive criticism please and thank you.

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Nationality: British Australian

1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
o Yes
o No

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists? They want me to have the most options after high school and achieve more than they did.

3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not? positive in some ways, such as the ability to help others, but negative if bullied etc for lack of freedom due to 'study time' and intelligence

4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not? Yes, but may be more of a technological push.

5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents?
Can't really think of any. give options?

6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel?
Again give options.
Most of the time the pressure is a good thing even if at first you may feel angry and resentful.

Thank you :shy:
Good Luck with your PIP!


Dec 7, 2007

Other _____

Nationality: Australian

1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
o Yes
o No Pressure, no. Want me to have, yes.

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists?
Sometimes, putting pressure on people to succeed is the best way to motivate them. Other times, it really doesn't help, but people so desperately want you to have the best opportunities in life, and do the best you can, that they don't realise that they're doing it. Ultimately, it's all about people, especially parents and teachers, wanting people to do their best, although making them look good sometimes comes into it to

3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not? It doesn't have an effect on the socialisation process - it's part of the socialisation process. In some societies, there is a huge amount of pressure to succeed. In other societies, there is hardly any. The pressure doesn't help you learn about customs and norms, because the pressure itself is part of those customs and norms.

4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not?
Pressure to succeed will exist as long as people feel a need to succeed. Since a want to succeed is pretty much human nature, I can't see it stopping any time soon.

5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents?
My parents never really pressure me to do anything. In the end, I think they realise that all that's going to happen is I'll get stressed out, and won't get anything done anyway, and I have to learn to do things for myself. They'll suggest that I do an assessment that I'm putting off, and they want me to do well in school etc, but if I never feel like I've let them down if I screw something up

6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel?
As I said, all pressure ever does is stress me out, which stops me from getting things done properly, creating more stress, etc, etc. So the lack of pressure from my parents is a very good thing, which I am incredibly thankful for.


Dec 20, 2006
In the backwaters of Cherrybrook

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Nationality: __Italian/Dutch________

1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
o Yes
o No

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists? It exists because the pressure to succeed is an innate human quality that helps us extract meaning from life and propel us forward.

3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not? It depends to a large degree on the individual and whether the pressure is healthy or has gotten to a point where its unreasonable/unessesary. Some individuals will invariably respond positively to pressure, while for others it can be detrimental. The degree of pressure is also important, and for it to have a positive impact, it needs to be a force that propels us forward, not intimate or overwhelm us.

4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not? Yes, It always has been and always will be intrinsic to the human condition.

5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents? Mainly educational really.

6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel? It doesn't really affect me all that much, because i want to succeed for my own personal gratification, not theirs.


May 20, 2007
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Nationality: Armenian

1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
o Yes
o No

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists? because they dont want to see their children 'stuff up their lives' and i think its a pride thing - to be able to say their child did well, or even just to feel it themselves.

3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not? i dont think it has a positive or negative effect on socialisation. not a distinctive one anyway, it would be different on each individual.

4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not? Yes i think it will, because of the reason stated above for why parents pressure their children. and also because of the expansion of the internet, the expectation and standard of work will rise, meaning there will be need for extra pressure.

5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents? not much really.

6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel? i think i have this inner desire to go for more, so they just keep me going,. its not as if they are pushing me to do well, because i already want to. so it doesnt really affect me much. i guess it just keeps me going and wanting to do well.


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Jan 18, 2008
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Nationality: austrian

1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
o Yes
o No

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists?
either parents want their kids to do well in life and be better off than they ever were, or they want to use their children as a right to brag

3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not?
hmmm... i guess its a part of the socialisation process if people are expected to succeed... and yes we do have that pressure in our everyday lives, with all the celebrities we idolise, the top "high paying" jobs or most "artistic" jobs being what most people aim for, even when were young were pushed to succeed, what with barbie being an airhostess etc etc not just a homemaker and with all these games based on working ie construction workers toys etc... hmm and office jobs are usually considered of higher standard than labourous work and more impressive and usually they are considered to have higher intelligence...wow. that was a ramble.

4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not?
yes, everyone tries to outdo eachother, class status adds to the pressure to succeed because with an increase in income, in australian society you have an increase in class status also, also parents always want their children to have a better life than them..
5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents?
to do well in the hsc, do my very best, get in the top bands and get into uni
6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel?
i appreciate it mostly, because i know they support me...but sometimes the pressure to succeed gets a bit negative which i dont enjoy


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Aug 2, 2007
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Nationality: Australian (French/Spanish/American)

1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
o Yes
I wouldn't exactly call it pressure. My parents didn't do very well in school. My mum went through school with everyone thinking she was stupid (she later found out it was ADHD). My dad repeated Year 1 and Year 11, and also had trouble. I was found to have ADHD when I was 7, and by being treated for it, I was being given the oppotunity to learn like my peers.
My parents don't pressure me, but they do want me to see it though to the end. They know I do my best at everything and a good education will get the most out of.

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists?
In most cases, I think parents pressure their kids to suceed for the satisfaction of raising a smart child. It's a competitive world out there. The biggest pressure for me is myself and all those people that doubted me when I was a child. I want to prove to myself that I can do it. But most of all, I'm doing it for my parents.

3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not?
I think it has a neutral effect on socialisation. It's different for each person and a real test of their maturity and individuality. People who want to do well are generally shunned by their peers, as it gives the impression that they are trying to outdo them. An overachiever becomes an outcast. A few years back, a friend of mine found the body of a Year 11 child in the bush. He had committed suicide after he couldn't bare the pressure his parents put on him to suceed in school.
But then again, people dumb themselves down because they're afraid of being singled out as 'smart' against their peers. If a group of friends keep themselves below academic level, then they feel equal and can rely on eachother for comfort and reassurance.

4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not?
Yes, I do think it will continue to exist. It's always existed. And it will only get worse. Humans are never 100% satisfied with themselves or their achievements and live by the notion that they are capable of more. By pressuring their children, people are able to live with the satisfaction that something they created (child) is able to suceed. Hence, the feeling that they were always capable.

5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents?
My parents don't pressure me all that much, because they can see that not pressuring me has made me go further than they could ever imagine. But my parents always pressure me to eat, because I won't if I'm not forced. And they pressure me to get a good night's sleep, because I have a lot of difficulty sleeping.

6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel?
It often makes me feel like I am only doing it to please them. It's not an easy task excelling in school with a learning difficulty, ADHD, anxiety and clinical manic depression. It's very physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting. It's made me turn to drug use and heavy drinking to numb the stress when I'm not at school. It's the only way I feel I can switch off from the Zombie overachiever I am during the school week with all the amphetamines and antidepressants and sleeping hormones I'm prescribed. But I always know that in the end, by doing the best I can possibly do, I will get the satisfaction of sucess for my parents, teachers and myself.


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Feb 20, 2008
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Nationality: Asian [chinese]
1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
o Yes
o No

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists?
because it provides you with a better future. plus, parents can boast about you're uai with their friends.
3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not?
of course if you study then you gain a positive impression from your teacher. people also look up to you because you're smart. its not like those typical teen flicks where you get bashed behind the toilet. most smart kids at my school aren't considered as freaks or anything. and after you do get a good uai and proceed into uni, you get to hang out with the smart people hahaha.
4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not?
yes. because technology is advancing and if you don't do well in study wise then you will fall behind. i would want my kids to be smart. don't you?
5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents?
6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel?
the study pressure? well its hard cos all my cousins are in uni and kinda makes me feel useless if i don't. heavy burden but it will do me good.


Im just not ready...
Feb 25, 2008
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Nationality: Australian

1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
o Yes
o No

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists? To achieve the career I want. I guess some people think that if you dont have a good education you cant have a good life and you'll be a failure.
3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not? Depends entirely on the person. Some people cant handle the pressure of school. Some people dont care about doing well, and often dont.At school, some of my closest friends arent the smartest kids in the school (thats their words not mine). I dont get treated differently, but I dont act any different to them. I dont act like Im smarter than them. Simply an equal.

4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not?
It exist now, and it will always exist. It wasnt until recently that someone got 100 UAI. There is more of a expectancy to be smart.

5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents?
The pressure to not to make any mistakes. I dont even think they put 'pressure' on me per say. Its more like its expected so like when I do it, its not big deal while others its not.

6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel?
I know I dont do it for them. I do wish they wouldnt expect it of me. I dont think it affects me all that much though.


Active Member
Feb 21, 2008
Hi :) my survey topic is 'why do asian parents put so much emphasis on success'. Basically, cross cultural between asian/non-asian. so anyone can do it ^_^ yeah. have fun
cheers~ constructive criticism please and thank you.

  • Male
  • 15-18
Nationality: 8th Generation Australian (Anglo-Saxon)

1) Do your parents pressure you to have a good education?
o Yes

2) Why do you think pressure to succeed exists?
Mainly because my family has moved 400 kms for my schooling, the fact that i'm eldest child does alot too, none of my siblings are pressured as much as I am. With asian parents it obviously is to escape the lower class, parents work at sweatshops for low wage then put all the money they make into their children, in hope they will become a doctor or such. Asian familys are very proud and the prestige of having a son/daughter who has "acedemically winned @ life" must be worth the hot-housing.

3) Do you think this pressure has a positive or negative effect on the socialisation (where by an individual learns the customs and norms of their culture to be accepted into society) process? Why/Why not?
I think that it is good in small doses, obviously a self motivated child will work ALOT more efficently then a forced child. I did Kumon as year 3 and that has given me extremely good mental maths skills with quick tasks.
I would rather my child do well at school then do well socially, just because the society of Australia is rather "crap" with all the boganism and such.

4) Do you think this pressure will exist in future generations? Why/ Why not?
It will continue to increase, especailly since the mining boom is on. Engineers are of huge demand and as technology advances, we need to increase school work to adapt to it.

5) What other pressures are placed on you personally by your parents?
Social life pressure, of which i'm not concered.

6) How does this pressure to succeed affect you? How does it make you feel?

I really don't directly feel that I am pressured, its more that i want to do well myself, for myself. If i was pressured more, I'd be in a more comfortable position within the classroom and i'd prefer that i was pressured more as school is my number one priority.

PM me if you need to clarify something :)
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