pip survey...MYSPACE WHAT DO YOU THINK (1 Viewer)

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Jan 21, 2008

Hello my name is Amy Baker and as apart of my Year 12 Society and Culture Personal Interest Project I ask for your assistance in completing this survey to attribute to my primary research for this major work on Myspace and its effects on adolescent identity. I ask for your honesty in answering the questions. All submitted surveys will be anonymous.


1. Are you male or female (please circle)

2. Age _______

3. Do you have a Myspace account?
4. How long have you had it for?
5. How many times a week do you log on?
6. How many times a day do you log on?
7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?)
8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis)

10. Have you made new friends form Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)

11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online?
Yes No (please circle)

12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online?
Yes No

13 Do you customize your page? Eg. Likes, dislikes, favourite things colours, pictures of your family friends on you actual page)
Yes No (please circle)

14. What’s your favourite colour?

15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page?

16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet?
Yes No (please circle)

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity?
Yes No (please circle)

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
C) Text message your friends
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality?

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?
Yes No (please circle)

21) Why do you use Myspace?

22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)

Thank you for your co-operation. It is very much appreciated. =]
Aug 14, 2005
1. female

2. Age: 20

3. Do you have a Myspace account? yes

4. How long have you had it for? 2 1/2 years

5. How many times a week do you log on? everyday

6. How many times a day do you log on? about 4 times

7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?) 200

8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis)
20-30 off my account. most live away from me

10. Have you made new friends form Myspace? yes

11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online? no

12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online? no, seen too much stuff about stalkers

13 Do you customize your page? Eg. Likes, dislikes, favourite things colours, pictures of your family friends on you actual page): yes

14. What’s your favourite colour? pink

15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page? pink / white

16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet? yes

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity? Yes

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality? yeah

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace? yes

21) Why do you use Myspace? keep in contact with people in a cheap way

22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace? no


Nov 7, 2007
In a house
1. Are you male or female (please circle)
2. Age 17

3. Do you have a Myspace account? Yes
4. How long have you had it for? Two years
5. How many times a week do you log on? Probably once a month
6. How many times a day do you log on? Refer to last question
7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate) 30
8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis 30, or more?
10. Have you made new friends form Myspace? No
11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online? No
12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online? Why not?
13 Do you customize your page? Yes
14. What’s your favourite colour? Blue/green/red/white
15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page? Black/blue
16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet?Yes
17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity?Yes
18. Would you B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personalityNo
20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?No
21) Why do you use Myspace?To talk to friends or catch up with old mates.
22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?No, i dont really care


Dec 7, 2007
1. Female

2. Age 18

3. Do you have a Myspace account? Yes

4. How long have you had it for? Not sure...a couple of years

5. How many times a week do you log on? 7 or 8

6. How many times a day do you log on? Most days, once. But sometimes less, sometimes more

7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?) 25

8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis) 11. Although, most of them are actually friends from places I've lived before, so I rarely actually SEE them

10. Have you made new friends form Myspace?No

11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online?No

12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online?No

13 Do you customize your page? Eg. Likes, dislikes, favourite things colours, pictures of your family friends on you actual page) Yeah. Although, I don't have any photos of other people that don't also have me in them

14. What’s your favourite colour? Purple or black

15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page? Background is Black, font is purple and hot pink

16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet? No

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity? no

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype. Assuming an actual conversation isn't a possibility
C) Text message your friends
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality?Definitely

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?No. Facebook, on the other hand...

21) Why do you use Myspace? To keep in contact with people I don't see much, and for the music that bands put up

22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?No


Tired Member
Feb 1, 2008

1. Are you male or female (please circle)

2. Age _18______

3. Do you have a Myspace account?
____ no_________________________
4. How long have you had it for?
5. How many times a week do you log on?
6. How many times a day do you log on?
7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?)
8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis)

10. Have you made new friends form Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)

11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online?
Yes No (please circle)

12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online?
Yes No

13 Do you customize your page? Eg. Likes, dislikes, favourite things colours, pictures of your family friends on you actual page)
Yes No (please circle)

14. What’s your favourite colour?
________silver or purple__________________

15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page?

16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet?
Yes No (please circle)

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity?
Yes No(please circle)

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
C) Text message your friends
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality?

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?
Yes No (please circle)

21) Why do you use Myspace?
_________i dont________________________

22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)



New Member
Mar 18, 2008
1. Are you male or female (please circle)

2. Age 17

3. Do you have a Myspace account? No

4. How long have you had it for?

5. How many times a week do you log on?

6. How many times a day do you log on?

7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?)

8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis)

10. Have you made new friends form Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)

11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online?
Yes No (please circle)

12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online?
Yes No

13 Do you customize your page? Eg. Likes, dislikes, favourite things colours, pictures of your family friends on you actual page)
Yes No (please circle)

14. What’s your favourite colour? Blue

15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page?

16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet?
Yes No (please circle)

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity?
Yes No (please circle)

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
C) Text message your friends
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality?

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?
Yes No (please circle)

21) Why do you use Myspace? I dont i deleted mine about a year ago when i realised it was a pathetic waste of time. I dont need the internet to meet new people or have a good time. I believe my social life is far more important than wasting time in front or the computer... Myspace has no real point to it, i can think of heaps of things i could be doing on the computer that are more important and interesting than Myspace.

22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?


Token Member
Jul 7, 2007
where I spend the vast majority of my time
amybaker1990 said:

1. Are you male or female (please circle)

2. Age 18

3. Do you have a Myspace account?
4. How long have you had it for?
March 2007
5. How many times a week do you log on?
about 20
6. How many times a day do you log on?
as many as five or as few as none
7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?)
8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis)
about 30-40 that are on myspace + the kids who are too cool for it. most of the rest of my friends are bands, then a few random adds, then Tom.

10. Have you made new friends form Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)

11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online?
Yes No (please circle)

12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online?
Yes No

13 Do you customize your page? Eg. Likes, dislikes, favourite things colours, pictures of your family friends on you actual page)
Yes No (please circle)

14. What’s your favourite colour?

15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page?

16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet?
Yes No (please circle)

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity?
Yes No (please circle)

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
C) Text message your friends
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality?
up to a certain extent... more my interests than my personality.

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?
Yes No (please circle)

21) Why do you use Myspace?
cause I use it to stalk people that I don't know, obvs.
but actually, because I can use it to send stupid messages to my friends and such. and for mindless entertainment.

22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)

Thank you for your co-operation. It is very much appreciated. =]
You're welcome.
Last edited:


stop looking at me swan.
Apr 26, 2008
cadbury world.
Delinda said:
I dont i deleted mine about a year ago when i realised it was a pathetic waste of time. I dont need the internet to meet new people or have a good time. I believe my social life is far more important than wasting time in front or the computer... Myspace has no real point to it, i can think of heaps of things i could be doing on the computer that are more important and interesting than Myspace.
thats why i deleted mine earlier this yr, i was really surprised, i dont miss it at all.


New Member
Sep 28, 2007
1. Are you male or female (please circle)

2. Age _18______

3. Do you have a Myspace account?
4. How long have you had it for?
________________________3 years_____
5. How many times a week do you log on?
6. How many times a day do you log on?
7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?)
8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis)

10. Have you made new friends form Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)

11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online?
Yes No (please circle)

12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online?
Yes No

13 Do you customize your page? Eg. Likes, dislikes, favourite things colours, pictures of your family friends on you actual page)
Yes No (please circle)

14. What’s your favourite colour?
_______purple + black___________________

15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page?

16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet?
Yes No (please circle)

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity?
Yes No (please circle)

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
C) Text message your friends
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality?
______________depends on what sort of a day i am having__________________

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?
Yes No (please circle)

21) Why do you use Myspace?
____________Catch up with olf friends and stay in touch with the ones I have_____________________

22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)


New Member
Jan 29, 2008
South Coast, NSW
1. Are you male or female (please circle)
I am female :)
2. Age
17 until october
3. Do you have a Myspace account?
I did. but i deleted it earlier this year as it was a major distraction from my year 12 work!
4. How long have you had it for?
I had it for about 2 to 3 years
5. How many times a week do you log on?
I would log on every day if i could. its very addictive
6. How many times a day do you log on?
depends on the day. maybe like 2 to 4 times
7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?)
I used to have about 200
8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis)
Haha ah not that many! I can probably count my closest friends my hands

10. Have you made new friends form Myspace?
Nope. I dont trust people easily

11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online?
Hell no

12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online?
Doubt it. Id have to be in that situation to decide though. My better judgement tells me not to

13 Do you customize your page? Eg. Likes, dislikes, favourite things colours, pictures of your family friends on you actual page)
Yeah def. All the time

14. What’s your favourite colour?
Don't have one

15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page?

16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet?
You bet

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity?
Ah only in the way that i didnt give them too much detail

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
C) Text message your friends
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends

All are good for different situations

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality?
Yeah for me it did. But more a personality that I was afraid to show in reality if that makes sense. I was more confident on myspace.

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?
I was for sure.

21) Why do you use Myspace?
I used it as its an easy comfortable way of communication. It was also interesting to see peoples profiles. I like expressing myself that way

22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?

I dont use it.

I too am doing my PIP. How far have you got with it? I am no way near to finishing and have only done 2 methodologies. I am stressing!! Good luck, hope this helped!


Feb 25, 2008
In a Whole
1. Are you male or female (please circle)

2. Age 17 nearly 18

3. Do you have a Myspace account?
4. How long have you had it for?
about 3 years
5. How many times a week do you log on?
6. How many times a day do you log on?
7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?)
8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis)
10. Have you made new friends form Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)

11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online?
Yes No (please circle)

12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online?
Yes No

13 Do you customize your page? Eg. Likes, dislikes, favourite things colours, pictures of your family friends on you actual page)
Yes No (please circle)

14. What’s your favourite colour?
15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page?
pink, grey or black
16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet?
Yes No (please circle)

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity?
Yes No (please circle)

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
C) Text message your friends
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality?

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?
Yes No (please circle)

21) Why do you use Myspace?
Cause im bored easily
22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?
Yes No (please circle)
Oct 10, 2007
where the wild things are
1. Are you male or female (please circle)

2. Age 16

3. Do you have a Myspace account?
4. How long have you had it for?
2 years
5. How many times a week do you log on?
6. How many times a day do you log on?
7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?)
8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis)
10. Have you made new friends form Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)

11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online?
Yes No (please circle)

12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online?
Yes No

13 Do you customize your page? Eg. Likes, dislikes, favourite things colours, pictures of your family friends on you actual page)
Yes No (please circle)

14. What’s your favourite colour?

15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page?

16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet?
Yes No (please circle)

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity?
Yes No (please circle)

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
C) Text message your friends
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality?
up to a certain extent it reveals part of it

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?
Yes No (please circle)

21) Why do you use Myspace?
To amuse myself and friends, to procrastinate

22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)


Active Member
Mar 5, 2008

Hello my name is Amy Baker and as apart of my Year 12 Society and Culture Personal Interest Project I ask for your assistance in completing this survey to attribute to my primary research for this major work on Myspace and its effects on adolescent identity. I ask for your honesty in answering the questions. All submitted surveys will be anonymous.


1. Are you male

2. Age 17

3. Do you have a Myspace account?

4. How long have you had it for?
over a year.

5. How many times a week do you log on?
um, 6ish.

6. How many times a day do you log on?

7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?)

8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis)

10. Have you made new friends form Myspace?
not really

11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online?
lol no

12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online?

13 Do you customize your page? Eg. Likes, dislikes, favourite things colours, pictures of your family friends on you actual page)

14. What’s your favourite colour?
wtf? depends..

15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page?
none in partiular

16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet?
all the time on bos

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity?
Not really.

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
C) Text message your friends
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends

A or B

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality?

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?
Used to be. now - no

21) Why do you use Myspace?
communicate with friends

22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?

Thank you for your co-operation. It is very much appreciated. =]


Mar 24, 2007
1. Are you male or female - female

2. Age _ 17

3. Do you have a Myspace account? yes
4. How long have you had it for? about 2 years
5. How many times a week do you log on? about 10ish
6. How many times a day do you log on? most days just one, some days 2
7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?) about 200
8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis)
______ on a regular basis about.... 60-70 sometimes more sometimes less

10. Have you made new friends form Myspace?

Yes No (please circle) not directly from myspace

11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online?
Yes No (please circle) no

12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online?
Yes No no

13 Do you customize your page? Eg. Likes, dislikes, favourite things colours, pictures of your family friends on you actual page)
Yes No (please circle) yes

14. What’s your favourite colour? yellow, blue, all colours!

15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page? its the normal layout with a colourful background

16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet?
Yes No (please circle) no, i know everyone i talk to on the net in some way or another, even if ive only met them once or twice.

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity?
Yes No (please circle) no

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
C) Text message your friends
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends
all are good. i prefer face to face
myspace is good for quick comments and stuff, msn is also pretty good for conversations.

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality?

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?
Yes No (please circle) to a degree..

21) Why do you use Myspace?
___fun, procrastination, a break from work, catch up with friends, talk to people i normally wouldnt talk to face to face as much, catch up with friends/fam who live far away etc, keep up to date with everything, music etc

22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)
No. Im glad i have it because it has good advantages but I probably shouldnt go on as often as i do.


Nov 21, 2007
1. female
2. 17
3. yes
4. I think 3 years
5. twice?
6. Once
7. 165
8. umm I guess like 30? lol
10. yes
11. no
12. maybe if they live near me/same city at least
13 yes
14. blue
15. yellow lol
16. no
17. yes
18. b
19) yes
20) no
21) to communicate with online friends and look for new bands
22) no


Jan 28, 2008
1. Are you male or female? female

2. Age:17

3. Do you have a Myspace account?
4. How long have you had it for?
___________18 months__________________
5. How many times a week do you log on?
___________________every day__________
6. How many times a day do you log on?
___________________________once, unless it stuffs up and i have to do it again__
7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?)
8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis)

10. Have you made new friends form Myspace?


11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online?


12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online?


13 Do you customize your page? Eg. Likes, dislikes, favourite things colours, pictures of your family friends on you actual page)

14. What’s your favourite colour?

15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page?

16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet?

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity?

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
C) Text message your friends
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends

B) text message

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality?

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?

21) Why do you use Myspace?
___it keeps me connected and its great to search for new artists (musicians)______________________________

22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?



♥ Hello ♥
Aug 17, 2006
1. Are you male or female (please circle)

2. Age 17

3. Do you have a Myspace account?
4. How long have you had it for?
Maybe less than two years
5. How many times a week do you log on?
Usually everyday
6. How many times a day do you log on?
Once or twice
7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?)
Only about 41 or so, I deleted people I don't know very well
8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis)
Maybe 20

10. Have you made new friends form Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)

11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online?
Yes No (please circle)

12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online?
Yes No

13 Do you customize your page? Eg. Likes, dislikes, favourite things colours, pictures of your family friends on you actual page)
Yes No (please circle)

14. What’s your favourite colour?
I like every colour, but I have a sweet spot in my heart for apple green

15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page?
Light pinks, peaches and soft reds

16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet?
Yes No (please circle)

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity?
Yes No (please circle)

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
C) Text message your friends
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality?
It's hard to say, my page does a bit, but it doesn't give away too much

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?
Yes No (please circle)

21) Why do you use Myspace?
To keep in contact with friends who are overseas

22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?

Yes No (please circle)
Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak

1. Are you male or female

2. Age

3. Do you have a Myspace account?

4. How long have you had it for?
about a year
5. How many times a week do you log on?
10-12 times
6. How many times a day do you log on?
once/twice a day

7. How many friends do you have on Myspace (rough estimate?)
around 70
8. How many friends do you have in reality? (Whom you see on a regular basis)
around 40, a rough estimate

10. Have you made new friends form Myspace?

not in that i've met new people, but i'm better friends with the people i already know because of having the medium, eg work mates

11. Have you ever dated anyone you met online?

12. Would you ever consider dating someone you met online?
would consider, but it would depend heavily on the circumstance

13 Do you customize your page?

14. What’s your favourite colour?

15. What colour is used most on your Myspace page?

16. Have you ever lied to someone who you did not know over the internet?

17. Have you ever mislead a stranger over the internet regarding your identity?

18. Would you

A) Rather talk on the phone to your friends
B) Talk online MSN/Yahoo/Skype.
C) Text message your friends
D) Use Myspace to talk to your friends

different friends i'd use different mediums to communicate with

19) Do you think your Myspace reflects your personality?

20) Would you consider yourself addicted to Myspace?

21) Why do you use Myspace?
talk to friends, share photos, procrastination, etc etc the list would go on

22) Do you wish you didn’t use Myspace?

i wish i didnt use it quite so much
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