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pLease complete my survey! it's for my PIP and it'll take 5minutes! thanks (2 Viewers)


I'm in a league of my own
Dec 9, 2003
In front of the computer
Gender: MALE [ ] FEMALE [x]

Age: 17

Ethnicity: Aussie

Family Situation (eg. Parents divorced, Remarried):parents married

Favourite Music Genres: mixed - triple j, "alternative" stuff

Why do you listen to this particular genre of music? cause i like the style, it's not just the music but a 'way of life'

What is your parent(s)/caregiver(s) reactions to your choice of music? they dont like it really, but they dont mind as long as they dont have to hear it

Do you see yourself as similar to those bands/singers you idolise? Yes [ ] No [ ]Why/Why not? Sort of, i dunno, i like to play music as well as listen, and like i said, its kinda a way of life, but i don't idolise them, i just like the music they play, i dont want to be them, i want to be me.

How many hours, a day, do you spend listening to music and/or watching music videos? 3,4,5 it varies. mostly in the car, and studying

Do you believe that music provides a media for something to relate to? (eg. When you upset about a certain issue, you listen to a song with similar lyrics to that problem, and it helps you deal with it) Yes [x] No [ ]
Please explain it. i think people like to think someone else feels the way they do, its like comfort

Have you ever tried to copy lyrics from a song? (eg. The way you dress, your actions, taken a substance such as alcohol or drugs) Yes [ ] No [x] If so, what and why? i listen to the music cause i am who i am, im not who i am cause i listen to the music

Is it in your beliefs that lyrics of rock music can be directly blamed for the rise of adolescent suicide? Yes [ ] No [x] How come? Not directly, (see the last two questions) though some people are influenced by the style of bands or whatever, i dont think the lyrics could bring someone to kill themselves
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Mar 25, 2004
lost in the mists of time, shrouded by thought

Please mark ([x]) and fill in the blanks where appropriate.

Gender: MALE [x] FEMALE [ ]


Ethnicity: Australian Born Chinese

Family Situation (eg. Parents divorced, Remarried): Parents married

Favourite Music Genres: none really, pop, pop-rock, rnb

Why do you listen to this particular genre of music? anything that sounds good

What is your parent(s)/caregiver(s) reactions to your choice of music? dont care.

Do you see yourself as similar to those bands/singers you idolise? Yes [ ] No [X]Why/Why not? im not a performer

How many hours, a day, do you spend listening to music and/or watching music videos? 3-4

Do you believe that music provides a media for something to relate to? (eg. When you upset about a certain issue, you listen to a song with similar lyrics to that problem, and it helps you deal with it) Yes [x] No [ ]
Please explain:
its good to knkow others face the same sort of probs

Have you ever tried to copy lyrics from a song? (eg. The way you dress, your actions, taken a substance such as alcohol or drugs) Yes [ ] No [x ] If so, what and why?

Is it in your beliefs that lyrics of rock music can be directly blamed for the rise of adolescent suicide? Yes [ ] No [x] How come? music may be influential, but u have to take the step


May 27, 2004
Please mark ([x]) and fill in the blanks where appropriate.

Gender: MALE [ ] FEMALE [x]

Age: 16

Ethnicity: Australian (uh, I think my grandfather was Dutch, and my Grandmother was English. I think the other two had English and Scottish names, but were born here)

Family Situation (eg. Parents divorced, Remarried): Nuclear! 2 parents, one younger sister.

Favourite Music Genres: Anything and everything! Pop rock is good, but I also like Enya and Sarah McLaughlin.

Why do you listen to this particular genre of music? I like songs that sound nice, firstly, then ones where the people can sing, then ones with good or powerful lyrics, eg Youth of the Nation by POD. I also like fun songs like Hello by Cat Empire.

What is your parent(s)/caregiver(s) reactions to your choice of music? Doesn't really care, though they prefer stuff to their tastes.

Do you see yourself as similar to those bands/singers you idolise? Yes [ ] No [x]Why/Why not? Cuz everyones individual. Frankly, I dun know enough about them to draw conections.

How many hours, a day, do you spend listening to music and/or watching music videos? Maybe 1... less...

Do you believe that music provides a media for something to relate to? (eg. When you upset about a certain issue, you listen to a song with similar lyrics to that problem, and it helps you deal with it) Yes [x] No [ ]
Please explain Well, when you put it that way, some people might do it, but I don't.

Have you ever tried to copy lyrics from a song? (eg. The way you dress, your actions, taken a substance such as alcohol or drugs) Yes [ ] No [x] If so, what and why? That's just silly.

Is it in your beliefs that lyrics of rock music can be directly blamed for the rise of adolescent suicide? Yes [ ] No [XXX] How come? People don't kill themselves cuz someone told them too! That's just stupid. It's people who can't handle that maybe they're the ones who are doing something wrong that causes people to want to leave so they blame people who talk about it. It's kids lives that make them wanna kill themselves, not the music they listen to.

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