Political, Social and Economic Grievances in Early 20th Century Russia. (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 22, 2006
Dubbo, New South Wales
Here are a few notes taken from my Modern History class, we have an exceptional teacher and really thorogh and good notes. I hope this helps the other people studying the Romanov Dynasty.

* Tsar - The russian empire was ruled and held togther by one man, Nicholas II also known as Tsar.
* Mir - The farming practices were supported by the mir as individual pesants could not support themselves.
* Kulacks - Kulacks were prosperous and independant pesants.

* There was a large amount of discontent and unrest within the country side of Russia, because of inadquate farming methods, individuals could not work on their own to improve the quality of their goods, this is why the Mir was introduced.
* There was also a signifcant amount of disconent and unrest within the citiees because many peasents has to move inland to undertake jobs because work to them was foregin. Many strikes broje out due to the changes occuring because of industralization.

* Peter Stalypin (1906-11) Was chief minster to Tsar. Stalypin introduced reforms allowing peasants to set up their own farms without control from the Mir. His main aim was to improve farming methods for prosperous peasants.
* Serger Witte was the minster of fiance (1890-1903) where Russian industry grew very quickly as Witte encouraged foregin investment and built thousands of kilometres of railway.

Problems facing the peasants
- Because of land hunger some peasants were forced to leave the land and seek work in the industrial centres
- Disrupive to the communie causing misery.
- Peseants distress caused by polocies increased population expolsion.
- Demanding more land.
- Grain exports continued despite a series of faminines in 1897, 1898 and 1901.
- Taxes were collected in autum after harvests when grain prices were at the lowest which meant peasents had to forfeit their grain.
- Peasants became increasingly resentful and demanded a reform.
- During the 1890's Nicholas fiance minster Sergii Witte pushed modernized economic movement program for Russia.
- Many were forced to pay for land allocated to them at the time of the enimicapation in 1860.
- The governments were ruthless in methods and defaulting peasents were flogged.

Problems facing Industrial Workers
- Working and living conditions for these people were simply deplorable.
- Lived in filthy and overcrowed barracks
- Men ahd woman worked in dangerous life treating conditions
- Although legisialtion had been introduced during the 1890's to limit working hours and work insurance was introduced.
- Industial workers were a new class in Russia in 1913 there were more than four million.
- ONly 18 percent of Russians lived in towns.
- Period of major heavy industry expandsion.

Problems facing the Nobility
- Many failed to adapt to the changes, therefore a loss of faith in the autocracy and many feelings of isolation.
- The basis odf the nobles power lay in agriculitre which also declined in terms of ecoomic structure.
- Being stripped of traditional authority over almost 90 percent of Nobility's land.
- Sense of isolation, increased as industralization increased.
- Ecnomic importance shifted away from agriculutre and toward heavy industry
- Lost traditional judical and police powers
- Government began to rely heavily on beaucracy rather than the Nobilty's notions.

Hope this helps, please feel free to post some more notes helpful to Modern History.

:wave: Emz


New Member
May 9, 2007
Thank you. this really helped me, my teacher is OK. It's just there are too many idiots in my class.


Lazy Bastard
Mar 17, 2007
thanks heaps this stuff is gonna save me in my exams i got an essay on this stuff

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