Polygamy vs Monogamy (2 Viewers)


A Restless Member
Jan 13, 2005
Somewhere yonder where the sun never rises
SashatheMan said:
did u know he robbed caravans. and killed the merchants
umm correction. he WAS gong to raid a caravan with some companions, but someone warned the quraysh and they instead faced an army 10 times bigger than them.

and that was after he left. i was asking why he didnt take the valuables with him. couldnt he have raided the caravan AND sold the valuables?


Apr 25, 2004
veterandoggy said:
was it the same liar and con, who after pronouncing islam to the quraysh, and they exiled him, made sure that the jewllery and gold that the quraysh had put in his care were returned to each person? and why did they still trust him with them in the first place? he was a person who had just denounced all their gods, yet they trusted him with all their valuables.

had he been a con, he could have easily taken all their valuables.
i dotn know when they gave his jewellery to hold or for what reason, so i cant answer that. why did they give him jewelerry anyway?


A Restless Member
Jan 13, 2005
Somewhere yonder where the sun never rises
SashatheMan said:
i dotn know when they gave his jewellery to hold or for what reason, so i cant answer that. why did they give him jewelerry anyway?
well, mr. sashatheman, let me "enlighten" you. but be warned: this will basically put most of what you have fought for in the drain.

he was honest, trustworthy, kind, truthful, and all of these characteristics describing him are all BEFORE he became prophet. even after the quraysh had degraded him, and called him a madman, they still kept their valuables with him because he was the most trusted man in makkah. this is why he stressed to Ali bin Abi-talib that he must return all of the valuables to their respective owners. (the prophet couldnt stay, because the quraysh had made a plot to assassinate him. they had chosen the best man from each tribe to kill spear him all at once. you see, vendettas were the norm of the time, and they knew that if his tribe found out who the killer was, they would show no mercy, because although his tribe had rejected him, he was still their blood. and so if a person from every tribe had killed him, his tribe couldnt pssibly kill all tribes.) amazingly, the prophet left at the time they came. they were waiting outside his room, and allah told him to readn a supplication, then walk past them. he even sprinkled dust on their heads as he passed them. the got sick of waiting then went inside to kill him. when they had uncovered his blanket, they found little Ali in his place. this kid had sacrificed his life to ensure the prophets escape. dont tell me young kids of that time werent intelligent!

where was i? oh yeah. the reason that arabia converted so quickly is that, as you know, khadeeja was a well known wealthy merchant, and most people had heard of her trustworthy and honest partner. plus when the quraysh were seeing more of their people converting, they offered him all the best women of the tribes, and all the money he wanted, and the keys to the ka'bah, but you know what he said? not "stuff you satan, this is better", he said "if they were to put the sun in my right habd and the moon in his left, i will not give up this message"

hope that was enough history for you, and you know what the best part is? this is mostly BEFORE he became prophet.

i also remembered 2 miracles that he got before he was made prophet, but ill lewt you ask me for them, for the benefit of youre post count ;)


Mar 3, 2005
google earth
SashatheMan said:
yuor saying yourself the quran is outdated. so why do u keep following the rules and revelations that where relevant only to the time it was made. you have to learn to use yuor own head in the 21st centure not follow an outdates book, and egnore stuff you dont like.
then why follow democracy? that's older than islam.

and yet you are obliged to adhere to the ideology of democracy and why i don't see you complaining about that... what? did u say you DON't believe in democracy?! because if u did...hey hey! u must be a terrorist!

honestly every religion will be as flawed as its interpretation. why don't u just live out ur athiest life and enjoy your freedom of being up yourself, no one's complaining (except maybe the terrorists because they don't like democracy and reckon there's a better political system set up by Islam, and therefore they are really pissed as capitalists like u who think they are big shot and must control every fucking person on this earth)

(although this sounds aggressive...i'm not a terrorist. or even islamic. i'm just sick of ignorance)

man why is there always a thread here that shouts 'religion sux". what are u trying to prove?
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
Democracies are forever in flux and open to change, whereas Islam (and the other abrahamic religions) are essentially set in stone for all time. Don't compare the two, because despite what you may think, you are just displaying your own ignorance.

Oh, for the record, you cannot believe in a democracy, even though some may claim that the democratic process is dependent upon a faith in that it actually works (which it does, to varying degrees).


Mar 3, 2005
google earth
Generator said:
Democracies are forever in flux and open to change, whereas Islam (and the other abrahamic religions) are essentially set in stone for all time. Don't compare the two, because despite what you may think, you are just displaying your own ignorance.

Oh, for the record, you cannot believe in a democracy, even though some may claim that the democratic process is dependent upon a faith in that it actually works (which it does, to varying degrees).
obviously it is still open to change. i think that is quite obvious.

but keep in mind genius, it's open nature is a double-edged sword, democracies can easily become corrupt (refer starwars 3 hehe...padawans = pwned) the whole system is dependent on faith really as u said. so this is where i compare it to religious political systems. since there is an connotation of divinity perhaps for citizens to believe, the religious aspects can generate 'faith' in its system. obviously its more open to corruption than democracy. the thing that is amazing about democracy, is that it still seems to work (to certain degrees) with cynicism.

even socrates (if u don't know, the dude who invented it) conceded that democracy is/was a highly flawed system but it's the only one we can settle for.


Some things never change.
Oct 21, 2004
Bankstown bro
i think in the 3 years that she lived with that phedophile, he brained washed her enough with his prophet stories and "if i have to have sex with you its what allah told me" stories that she was manipulated into being fuked my a 50 year old muhammad.
3 yrs? Before their marriage she was living with her parents, not with the prophet, which means there was no room for him to “manipulate her”! And in case ur forgetting, they were married under Isalmic Law. Mohammad (peace be upon him) doesn’t abide by the law set 1400 after his death, he lived by the Law of Islam!!!

SashatheMan said:
thats why you , zahid and veterandoggy are such fundemental muslims that are happy to die early just to go to heaven.
Actually most of what I learnt about Islam wasn’t from my parents!

]it is sadly. it was also started by a liar and a con, who makes idiots like yourself, believe in his stories centuries later.
The prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) was given the title ‘Al-Saddiq Al Ammin’ THE HONEST AND TRUSTWORTHY… was this the title that Muslims gave him?

No. The prophet (peace be upon him) was known as the ‘Honest and trustworthy’ before and during the time when he was a Muslim, By who? By believers and non-believers, his enemies knew him as “The Honest and Trustworthy”… which is why (as Veterandoggy stated) they used to entrust their belongings with him!

why did they give him jewelerry anyway?
Because he was “The Honest and Trustworthy”.
He was not a liar nor was he a con he was “The Honest and Trustworthy” (peace and blessings of Allah subhanahu wata’alah be upon him)

Veterandoggy has cleared this up as well!

withoutaface said:
Incorrect or misleading? I answer with this:
ped•o•phile (pĕd'ə-fīl', pē'də-) pronunciation

An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children.

A 9 year old is indisputably a child, and he had sexual relations with her. Hence he is a paedophile.

… It was the definition from answers.com, and you'll find the definitions elsewhere are pretty much the same.

Britannica 98 gives the following definition;

Definition of a Pedophile: "Pedophile: also spelled PAEDOPHILIA, psychosexual disorder in which an adult's arousal and sexual gratification occur primarily through sexual contact with prepubescent children. The typical pedophile is unable to find satisfaction in an adult sexual relationship and may have low self-esteem, seeing sexual activity with a child as less threatening than that with an adult

Mohammad (peace be upon him) was married to Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her) who was between 15-20 yrs older than him, and his wife Sawdah bint Zam`ah (may Allah be pleased with her) was an old-aged widow who possessed no particular appealing qualities.

Clearly NOT a pedophile!

I apologize to anyone who may be reading the posts made by most people in this thread, as most of the posts have now become about pedophilia and other issues and not about polygamy!

But I think were used to it by now, as most of the threads have been turning into “criticism of Islam” threads.

I would still love to answer the issue of Why Mohammad (peace be upon him) was permitted to marry 9 wives at the one time, even though that’s clearly more than double the amount permitted under Islamic Law, But it seems I, as others in this thread are having to defend other accusations against our beloved Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him).

I will try to get onto the issue as soon as possible.

Salaam! (peace)


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
heybraham said:
obviously it is still open to change. i think that is quite obvious.

but keep in mind genius, it's open nature is a double-edged sword, democracies can easily become corrupt (refer starwars 3 hehe...padawans = pwned) the whole system is dependent on faith really as u said. so this is where i compare it to religious political systems. since there is an connotation of divinity perhaps for citizens to believe, the religious aspects can generate 'faith' in its system. obviously its more open to corruption than democracy. the thing that is amazing about democracy, is that it still seems to work (to certain degrees) with cynicism.

even socrates (if u don't know, the dude who invented it) conceded that democracy is/was a highly flawed system but it's the only one we can settle for.
Thanks for the insight, champ! I really don't know where I would be without your delightful comments and ever so friendly pointers!

For the record, I didn't say that it was dependent on faith, rather i said that some would make the claim that it is. The fact that it does work and that democracies are tangible entities in the sense that they actually exist more than suggests that they are not dependent upon faith, because remember that faith is belief without evidence.

Edit: It seems that this escaped your oh so developed mind, but the point regarding democracies being open to change was quite explicitly contrasted with that of religious insitutitions being immutable. I wasn't trying to point out that they are open to change under the assumption that you were ignorant of this fact because as you say, it's quite obvious and I thought that even a mental giant such as yourself would be aware of such a fact.
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Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Mohammad (peace be upon him) was married to Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her) who was between 15-20 yrs older than him, and his wife Sawdah bint Zam`ah (may Allah be pleased with her) was an old-aged widow who possessed no particular appealing qualities.

Clearly NOT a pedophile!
Note that it said typical paedophile.

Though I'm glad for that kind of logic, because now i can say the following:

The typical person is not a muslim. Hence muslims are animals.


Well I think the results of this debate are fairly conclusive.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
katie_tully said:
Well I think the results of this debate are fairly conclusive.
Now, now katie (peace be upon you), I'm sure there are some muslims who can comprehend basic logic (may allah be pleased with them), it's just we haven't found them yet.


Some things never change.
Oct 21, 2004
Bankstown bro
In light of returning to the original discussion of this thread (i.e Polygamy) I will answer the issue of why Mohammad (peace be upon him) was permitted to have 9 wives at the same time even though Islam clearly states that 4 is the maximum:

“If you fear that you would not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry two, three or four of the women who are lawful for you. But if you fear that you would not be able to deal justly [with them] then [restrict yourself to] one only." (An-Nisa': 3)

Also addressed in other verses. Before I begin, Its important to note that even though Islam permits Polygamy, it does not encourage it, nor does it make it compulsory, nor is it for sexual satisfaction (regadless of what u believe, this is the truth) Islam merely permits Polygamy! (and up to 4 wives maximum)

11 may be disputes, but even if you get rid of the 1 or 2 wives that are questioned to be mohammads, you still get more then double the maximum wives a person was instructed to hold, by mohammad himself.
Yes! you are correct! Let it be noted that the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) had 9 wives at the one time! This is in fact more than double the amount permitted under Islamic Law (The maximum allowed is 4). In addition to this, The law was instructed by the Almighty in the Quran, as shown in the above vesre (An-Nisa': 3)

Let it also be noted, Chritians and Jews also practiced Polygamy.

The eminent Muslim scholar, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, states:

"Before the advent of Islam, it had been the habit of men to marry an unlimited number of women. The Old Testament states that David had 100 wives and Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. However, Islam nullified marriage to more than four women. "

God (Allah) gave Mohammad permission to do something no other Muslim is permitted to do. That is, to be able to have more than 4 wives.

However, the ruling of a max. of 4 wives, came down after Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) had married the 9 wives. He Almighty allowed him to keep the wives that he had married and did not order him to divorce, replace any of them, or to marry anymore women.

As cleary addressed in the Quran:

Allah Almighty says: “It is not allowed thee to take (other) women henceforth nor that thou should change them for other wives even though their beauty pleased thee, save those whom thy right hand possesses.” (Al-Ahzab: 52)

This already defeats the idea that Mohammad peace be upon him was a hypocrite as he was clearly following the orders of the Almighty as clearly stated in the Quran.

Why was this the case?

The wives of the Prophet (peace be upon him) were granted special status, they were "The Mothers of the Believers" as outlined in the Quran “The Prophet is closer to the believers than their selves, and his wives are (as) their mothers.” (Al-Ahzab: 6)

Due to this honourble position, they werent permitted to remarry after the Prophet (peace be upon him) as they were like mothers to the believers as stated in the Quran: “And it is not for you to cause annoyance to the Messenger of Allah, nor that ye should ever marry his wives after him.” (Al-Ahzab: 53)

What all this means, is that if they were to be divorced, they would have been deprived of marriage for the rest of their lives (because u need to remember they were Muslims, and so they obeyed their Lord which means they would not get married if divorced).

Suppose the Prophet (peace be upon him) was to divorce the rest of his wives, and only leave 4, that would have deprived his other wives (who were all equaly worthy of such an honourbale title as being the "Mothers of the believers") of such an honourbale position. This would have been a very awkward situation since none of those exemplary women deserved to be dismissed from the Prophet’s family and be denied the honor that she had gained.

So clearly we can see, Mohammad (peace be upon him) was given clear instructions to keep all his wives, which means he was not a hypocrite, as both his action of keeping all his wives as well as instucting all men only have a maximum of 4 wives, were both instructions from the Almighty as indicated in the Quran.

Dr. Jamal Badawi, a prominent Egyptian scholar residing and teaching in Canada,wrote in an essay titled, Polygamy in Islamic Law:

"It is evident that the association of "polygamy" with Islam is not only unfair or biased but based on a serious misunderstanding. Polygamy was practiced, often without limitations nor regulations , in almost all cultures. It was sanctioned by various religions, and practiced, both before Islam, and for many centuries thereafter. The Mormons presently practice it - though secretly. Christian missionaries, in Africa and other areas, where polygamy is a social necessity, also allow it. "

he also states:

"It is both, honest and accurate, to say that it was Islam that regulated this practice, limited it, made it more humane and instituted equal rights and status for all wives. What the Qur’anic decrees amount to, taken together, is a discouragement of polygamy, unless necessity for it exists."
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Socialist Member
Aug 12, 2005
in sydney
has anyone got any thing in regards to the above???
good work physician i think you've just just concluded this discussion.... but then again you could have just started something new???


Apr 25, 2004
Sonic said:
has anyone got any thing in regards to the above???
good work physician i think you've just just concluded this discussion.... but then again you could have just started something new???
i have a life out side bos and dont reply ammediatly after he writes something. i read it , and disagree with all , see lots of lies, bullcrap and i will fix up whats needed


Some things never change.
Oct 21, 2004
Bankstown bro
SashatheMan said:
i have a life out side bos and dont reply ammediatly after he writes something. i read it , and disagree with all , see lots of lies, bullcrap and i will fix up whats needed

Don't bother, because what i've posted is the truth, and whether u agree with it or not, does not bother me one bit. If u choose to call the truth 'lies' as well as 'bullcrap' then so be it, but if u cant accept the truth, maybe u should take off the rosey glasses u once mentioned we Muslims wear.

No matter what u say, the above is the truth! and it will remian the truth!

U claimed the Prophet was a hypocrite, I refuted that claim. U calimed he was a pedophile, I refuted that claim! U can continue to believe that which u read off internet websites which even u said are "Islam hating", But I have presented to u the truth, and yet u choose to ignore it.

If there's something u didnt understand I will happily make it clear. Otherwise, I couldnt care less if u found what I said to be 'lies' as well as 'bullcrap'.


Apr 25, 2004
physician said:
Don't bother, because what i've posted is the truth, and whether u agree with it or not, does not bother me one bit. If u choose to call the truth 'lies' as well as 'bullcrap' then so be it, but if u cant accept the truth, maybe u should take off the rosey glasses u once mentioned we Muslims wear.

No matter what u say, the above is the truth! and it will remian the truth!

U claimed the Prophet was a hypocrite, I refuted that claim. U calimed he was a pedophile, I refuted that claim! U can continue to believe that which u read off internet websites which even u said are "Islam hating", But I have presented to u the truth, and yet u choose to ignore it.

If there's something u didnt understand I will happily make it clear. Otherwise, I couldnt care less if u found what I said to be 'lies' as well as 'bullcrap'.
i tihnk yuor scared that i will expose more of islam and its dark side and you dont want me to continue doing so.

anyway i will and i will prove that yuor counter arguements are wrong , stick around


Apr 25, 2004
In light of returning to the original discussion of this thread (i.e Polygamy) I will answer the issue of why Mohammad (peace be upon him) was permitted to have 9 wives at the same time even though Islam clearly states that 4 is the maximum:

“If you fear that you would not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry two, three or four of the women who are lawful for you. But if you fear that you would not be able to deal justly [with them] then [restrict yourself to] one only." (An-Nisa': 3)

Also addressed in other verses. Before I begin, Its important to note that even though Islam permits Polygamy, it does not encourage it, nor does it make it compulsory, nor is it for sexual satisfaction (regadless of what u believe, this is the truth) Islam merely permits Polygamy! (and up to 4 wives maximum)

Yes! you are correct! Let it be noted that the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) had 9 wives at the one time! This is in fact more than double the amount permitted under Islamic Law (The maximum allowed is 4). In addition to this, The law was instructed by the Almighty in the Quran, as shown in the above vesre (An-Nisa': 3)
so far yuo agree with me

Let it also be noted, Chritians and Jews also practiced Polygamy.
we are not argueing whether christians prctices polygamy or not, but rather that the "prophet" is a hypocrete who doesnt abide his own revelations and doubles his wives.

The eminent Muslim scholar, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, states:

"Before the advent of Islam, it had been the habit of men to marry an unlimited number of women. The Old Testament states that David had 100 wives and Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. However, Islam nullified marriage to more than four women. "
once again, nothing to do with the argument. even though they had more wives in the past, allahs messanger gave a revelation of maximum 4 wives and didnt follow it. there was no law before that.
However with you mentioning the past practises of polygamy with a much bigger number of wives and concubines, it just proves my other argument that muslims (ie muhhammad) marry for lust and nothing more

God (Allah) gave Mohammad permission to do something no other Muslim is permitted to do. That is, to be able to have more than 4 wives.
i love this bit. God gives permision to the only man who can hear god speak of these revelations. The first thing comes to my head is ; is he just using the word of god to make his life more desirable?

However, the ruling of a max. of 4 wives, came down after Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) had married the 9 wives. He Almighty allowed him to keep the wives that he had married and did not order him to divorce, replace any of them, or to marry anymore women.

As cleary addressed in the Quran:

Allah Almighty says: “It is not allowed thee to take (other) women henceforth nor that thou should change them for other wives even though their beauty pleased thee, save those whom thy right hand possesses.” (Al-Ahzab: 52)

This already defeats the idea that Mohammad peace be upon him was a hypocrite as he was clearly following the orders of the Almighty as clearly stated in the Quran.
Pff clear orders from allah. Of they were clear all the people would hear gods voice speak to them and tell them personally. A man claiming he is a phrophet and then making another claim that god told him something and that he is only following his orders seems stupid. Looks to me as though , people were gullible enough to believe he is a prophet and muhammad was taking advantage of that to give him self more wives is the smartest thing he could have done. He was cheating people back then and he is cheating them now.
if god is so powerful why does he send messages through one persons head(muhammad), rather then, simultaniously send his message to every persons head.

Why was this the case?

The wives of the Prophet (peace be upon him) were granted special status, they were "The Mothers of the Believers" as outlined in the Quran “The Prophet is closer to the believers than their selves, and his wives are (as) their mothers.” (Al-Ahzab: 6)

Due to this honourble position, they werent permitted to remarry after the Prophet (peace be upon him) as they were like mothers to the believers as stated in the Quran: “And it is not for you to cause annoyance to the Messenger of Allah, nor that ye should ever marry his wives after him.” (Al-Ahzab: 53)

What all this means, is that if they were to be divorced, they would have been deprived of marriage for the rest of their lives (because u need to remember they were Muslims, and so they obeyed their Lord which means they would not get married if divorced).

Suppose the Prophet (peace be upon him) was to divorce the rest of his wives, and only leave 4, that would have deprived his other wives (who were all equaly worthy of such an honourbale title as being the "Mothers of the believers") of such an honourbale position. This would have been a very awkward situation since none of those exemplary women deserved to be dismissed from the Prophet’s family and be denied the honor that she had gained.
why didnt he get the revelation before he married all 9 of them ? so he wouldnt have to look like a hypocrete in peoples eyes?
also yuo claim he is such a good man becuase his wives are closer to him then them selves and there fore cant marry anyone else.
in actual fact mohammad has done another selfish and greeedy act by claiming allah told him that they cant re-marry .
this rule ment that after the prophet died , he left some of his wives childless and unable to marry again. basicly destroying the sex-life of all his wives. i see that as very selfish.
also i think the only true reason to why he doesnt want them to re marry is becuase he was scared of them devorcing him for someone else, so he made up more revelations to put his wives into submission.
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Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
physician said:
U calimed he was a pedophile, I refuted that claim!
No you didn't. You took an obscure (out of date) reference, interpreted it incorrectly, and then by your own logic left open the conclusion that yourself and other Muslims are animals.


A Restless Member
Jan 13, 2005
Somewhere yonder where the sun never rises
withoutaface said:
No you didn't. You took an obscure (out of date) reference, interpreted it incorrectly, and then by your own logic left open the conclusion that yourself and other Muslims are animals.
why dont you take that text and interpret it correctly for us then? you talk like you know more than us, but no matter how little we know, you wont know more.


Some things never change.
Oct 21, 2004
Bankstown bro
SashatheMan said:
i tihnk yuor scared that i will expose more of islam and its dark side and you dont want me to continue doing so.

anyway i will and i will prove that yuor counter arguements are wrong , stick around
No actualy, I was trying to do u a favour! (And so far u havnt exposed anything, let alone expose 'more')

btw, u havnt proven a single thing, all u seem to do is voice ur own opinion! which isnt really proving anything. What u think, does not provide solid evidence that ur right, it merely re-states what uve been saying throughout this whole discussion, in another way.

Now ur going back to the argument of whether the Quran is the ture word of God or not. We are not having this discussion at the moment. U need to learn to stay on topic. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT POLYGAMY.

The only reason i stuck around to defend ur claims (even though most were off topic) is because they werent deleted from this thread. Normaly i wouldnt reply to a post that was off topic. If I was scared, i wouldve ignored ur other posts along time ago, so dont get too happy.

so far yuo agree with me
I agree with u, yes! But notice why I highlighted the word Almighty!

Because u insist it was a revelation that Mohammad (peace be upon him) brought down (i.e to have 4 wives). Whereas it wasnt. what Mohammad (peace be upon him) said and did, during his lifetime is in the ahadith which u'd find in (sahih al-bukhari or other books such as sahih-muslim). Right now Im expressing the Islamic beliefs in accordance to what's in the Quran, and with the belief that the Quran is the word of God. Yes u'll find in the ahadith that Mohammad (peace be upon him) was instructing his people to only marry a max. of 4 wives, but he was merely doing so because it was revealed to HIM by The Almighty through the angel Gabriel, in the Quran, and so was the order, that he should keep all his wives. Which means he wasnt a hypcorite as both the commands are those of the Almighty.

we are not argueing whether christians prctices polygamy or not, but rather that the "prophet" is a hypocrete who doesnt abide his own revelations and doubles his wives.
NO ACTUALY, thats not the argument, the thread topic is Lets talk about ...Polygamy, not 'lets talk about whether Mohammad (peace be upon him) was a hypcrite', so ur mistaken.

once again, nothing to do with the argument. even though they had more wives in the past, allahs messanger gave a revelation of maximum 4 wives and didnt follow it. there was no law before that.
However with you mentioning the past practises of polygamy with a much bigger number of wives and concubines, it just proves my other argument that muslims (ie muhhammad) marry for lust and nothing more
Allah (subhanahu watallah) gave the revelation to Mohammad (pace be upon him) through the angel Gabriel, Mohammad did not make this Law up!

I already mentioned in my post, that Islam permits polygamy, it doesnt ecnourage it, and merely allows it if it is necessary (one example could be, if a widow has no one to provide her with a source of income, and she's unable to support herself for whatever reason, marrying her would be a good and sincere option). All of Mohammad's (peace be upon him) marriages were for the cause of Islam at the time!

Dr. Jamal Badawi, a prominent Egyptian scholar residing and teaching in Canada,wrote in an essay titled, Polygamy in Islamic Law:

"...Christian missionaries, in Africa and other areas, where polygamy is a social necessity, also allow it. "

necessity being the key word.

i love this bit. God gives permision to the only man who can hear god speak of these revelations. The first thing comes to my head is ; is he just using the word of god to make his life more desirable?

Pff clear orders from allah. Of they were clear all the people would hear gods voice speak to them and tell them personally. A man claiming he is a phrophet and then making another claim that god told him something and that he is only following his orders seems stupid. Looks to me as though , people were gullible enough to believe he is a prophet and muhammad was taking advantage of that to give him self more wives is the smartest thing he could have done. He was cheating people back then and he is cheating them now.

Once again, to refute my claims, the only thing u do is go back to the arguent that it wasnt the true word of God, but rather it was revealed by Mohammad (peace be upon him). This just indicates to me, that what Im saying is in fact true, but u go about it saying the Quran is false, because u simply cant see any flaws in my claims, unless the Quran is the word of Mohammad (peace be upon him) and not the word of God. This seems to be the only issue ur stuck on at the moment, because everything ur saying, reflects this.

also yuo claim he is such a good man becuase his wives are closer to him then them selves and there fore cant marry anyone else.
“The Prophet is closer to the believers than their selves, and his wives are (as) their mothers.” (Al-Ahzab: 6)

Did u even read the verse?

They cant marry anyone else, because the title they were given was 'The Mother's of the Believers'. This title gave them such a high status in Islamic history and amongst the people, they could literaly be considered 'Mothers' of all Believers, and surely u can't marry ur mother! This is why they couldnt re-marry anyone after the prophet's death (peace be upon him)

in actual fact mohammad has done another selfish and greeedy act by claiming allah told him that they cant re-marry .
this rule ment that after the prophet died , he left some of his wives childless and unable to marry again. basicly destroying the sex-life of all his wives. i see that as very selfish.
Mohammad took clear orders from the Almighty!

If he was to divorce either of the wives when the rule to marry a max. of 4 wives came down, they would have remained unmarried the rest of their lives anyway, because as I said before (in my previous post), The women were all true believers, they weren't going to dismiss a command given by the Almighty so they could merely re-marry.

They were the 'Mothers of the believers' (U can't marry ur mother, even though they werent bilogical mothers, they were even more honoured than our own mothers) and each and every one of his wives accepted this role as an honour. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was one of the main sources of knowldge for both males and females during the time after the prophet's death (peace be upon him).

Can u not look at the arguments with the perspective that The Quran was the word of the Almighty? Don't keep jumping to the conclusion that Mohammad (peace be upon him) wrote the Quran, because all ur really doing is going around in circle and circles, going back to ur orginal claim, that the Quran is not the word of God.

Saying that the Quran is not the word of God, is simply an easy way out for u and many others who fail to succeed in criticising the rules and revelations sent By the Almighty to the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) through the angel Gabriel, in what's called the Quran.

I will step in at this instant and say: Keep all discussion relevant to the thread title and purpose.

Polygamy, being the main point of discussion.

If u have further questions or queries, post them in the relevant thread. Keep the thread on Muslims headscarves about muslim headscarves and this one about Polygamy.

Thank you!

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