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Post example questions! (1 Viewer)


Dec 19, 2003
I would really appreciate it if people could post questions they have been given for assessments/practise etc for Transformations

Some of mine were:
"As old as the hills and fresher than grass" Discuss this quotation from "The Pardoner's Prologue" in relation to the two prescribed texts you have studied.

'In the process of transformation composers are more concerned with entertainment than serious comment.' Discuss this statement in relation to the two prescribed texts you have studied

Write a review on A Simple Plan for a weekend magazine. In the review consider the value of the transformation process.
Jan 24, 2004
northern beaches
tom stoppard has simply switched the main characters and shifted blame in his transformation of hamlet and RGD. how true is this statement?


Nov 7, 2003
Somewhere over the rainbow
Catholic Trial 2003
In transformating an old text into a new one, a composer selects what to include and what to exclude.
How and why have these choices been made in the texts you have studied?

BOS HSC 2003
You have studied two texts composed at different times.
When you compared these texts and their contexts, how was your understanding of each text developed and reshaped?
Answer with reference to your study of Transformations.

'Transformed texts illuminate and illustrate ideas that may not be explored in the original text'.
To what extent has the new text you have studied achieved this?
Answer this question with reference to both the prescribed texts you studied.

BOS HSC 2002
In comparing your TWO texts you will have cecome aware of how the contexts of the texts have shaped their form and meaning. Of more interest, perhaps, is a comparison of the values associated with each text.
To what extent has this point of view been your experience in your study of 'Transformations' OR 'In the Wild?

ETA practice questions 2001
a. “Reading a text from the past presents us with a problem. If we read it from a modern viewpoint we often find that the text can no longer speak to us in the twenty-first century. If we try to make ourselves into a reader of the past we turn the text into a fake antique.”
How do you respond to this statement? Illustrate your point of view by referring to your responses to the transformations that occur in the TWO prescribed texts you have studied.

b. Is the contemporary transformation you have studied anything more than a shadow of the classic text on which it was based?

c. “In transformations texts cross-pollinate with one another to produce an exciting new text.”
Write a proposal to an international Arts Council for funding the transformation of one of the texts you have studied in this Elective.
In your proposal:
· Outline the nature of the transformation.
· Give reasons for the transformation.
· Refer to the relevance of the “exciting new text” for the audience that will respond to the transformation.

Catholic Trial 2001
'Recreations of an existing text provide not only a new text but also a new reading of a prior text.'
Write a review of the more recent of your texts for a weekend broadsheet, exploring its relationship with the original text.

Independent Trial 2001
'The way a contemporary composer transforms an older text inevitably reflects the way that values in society have change over time.'
Discuss this statement in relation to the TWO prescribed texts you have studied.

BOC HSC 2001
How has the composer of the contemporary text used the earlier text to say something new?
Answer this question in relation to the TWO prescribed texts you have studied.


New Member
Mar 17, 2004
"the process of transformation involves more than the adaptation of ideas and characters to contemporary audiences and situations"

discuss with reference to your texts blah

"the transformation creates a new text that both reinforces and undermines responses to the old text"
discuss with reference to your texts


Oct 3, 2003
for me to know and for you to find out
Wordsworth/Malouf (Critical):

1. How is ‘the wild’ conveyed in your two prescribed texts?
2. In comparing your two texts you will have become aware of how the context of the texts have shaped and formed meaning of more itnerest perhaps is a comparison of the values associated with each text. To what extent has this point of view been your experience in your study of the wild?
3. “Nature is far more than a background against which events take place” What is the role of nature in your two prescribed texts that you have studied?
4. “Mankind’s relationship with the wild is a double edged one. The wild both nourishes and challenges mankind” Using both prescribed texts, discuss how this double edged relationship is portrayed in each text in similar and different ways.
5. Compare how TWO prescribed texts you have studied explore the tension between humanity and the natural world.

Wordsworth/Malouf (Creative)

1. Imagine a conversation between the composers of your two prescribed texts. During this conversation they discuss their purposes in creating their texts. They also discuss the ways in which their texts were affected by their respective contexts. Write the conversation.
2. Imagine you have interviewed the composers of the TWO prescribed texts you have studied regarding how they attempted to show their interest in man’s relationship with the natural world. Write the script of this itnerview in which the two composers, reflect on man’s relationship with the natural world and how they tried to show this in their works.
3. “The worlds of man and nature are both similar and separate, but there is undoubtedly a deep connection between the two.” In your imagination, visit the worlds of your prescribed texts for a day. Write a diary entry on what you experience in these worlds, emphasising the relationship that exists between nature and humanity, as presented in each text.
4. Imagine that you have been imprisoned for some years and on your release you have been asked to write a magazine article on how you survived. In this article explain to your audience how your knowledge of both Wordsworth’s poetry and An imaginary life enabled you to imagine the natural world and be free at least in your mind.

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