omgosh.. im gonna sneak my tutorial experience today into this thread.
kk.. i was killin some time in the library.. time was going so slow.. so i leave for my tute like 15 mins early.. rock up sit down, my tute guy walks in.. so do rest of class.. he gets involved and starts the tute.. locking the door etc..
i look around the room to find the people im doing the assigmnet with.. and couldnt find them. im like.. bitches.. left me and changed classes.. then... i realise.. hes talking about some random shit i know nothing about
wrong tute... mine started in an hour.. and my tutorial guy was doing another corse...
now i wasnt gonna get up, cause thats fkin ebaressing.. particlarly since i waited like 10 , 15 mins already.. so i sat there.. trying to look naturla.. taking notes about a subect i jhave nfi about the words hes doing..
so im doodling.. and he starts pointing to random people and asking blardy questions...
alsmost shat myself... and too late to leave.. man i almost cried

about 10 people later.. he didnt ask me a question (by the point i was just gonna say - hrmmm.. and make up a random.. general reply). .. then he goes.. kk.. everyone team up for group work.. im like.. fk fk fk
so people start asking the nub sittin there with the stupid look on her face.. 'want to be in my group' ummmm... no thnx... im in one
then the tutor guy comes round. im like.. fk.. and stretch out.. like... tring to .. i duno why i stretched back..
and i said...
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah *stretch* this is a really interesting subject... im thinking of majoring in international economics yada yada... mind if i sit in? (like 40 mins into a 1 hour tute)... look on his face was priceless.. let alone everyone else who was looking at me

he goes.. err sure. and walks away.. and i just sit there
man... fkin.. embaressing..