hmm... there is a similar post in chemistry but anyways, I might as well say it again here.. "understanding" your dot points is very important, mee suggest you to flip through your dot points and choose the more difficult ones to do as HSC questions.. it is also a really good idea to combine a few related dot points as one question too.. by the end of 2 days, if you have really made an effort, you should understand all dot points and be ready to kill your past papers.
another thing is, try not to depend on your memory too much.. biology is often seen as a "remembering" science subject but it's really not.. if you see how everything fits together + you have an at-least-average-memory, you will breeze throught the bio exam!
if wrose comes to worst, remember biology is actually the easiest subject to cra* through (excuse me
Good Luck!
P.S. don't forget about the Advice Line