if Michael Scofield was the structural engineer of the prison, how the hell was he sent there? I know he requested it, and it showed on his form he was unemployed so maybe the judge didn't know he designed the prison, but still.. wouldn't all the employees, guards, etc recognise him
i believe the people who paid to have the prison built sub-contracted out to the firm schofield worked for. He wasnt out there laying the bricks etc, and i doubt the people who currently work there now wouldve been around during the construction of the place.
Michael didn't request to be put in fox state, he requested to be put close to his home. Because he unloaded a firearm the judge saw fit to put him in a maximum security prison which was all part of his plan to get into fox river. He is a smart chap.
disappointed that Fox are screwing the show around because it's just so entertaining.
What are you talking about. Fox picked it up for a full season. Be greatful! Fox screw many-a-show but this one isnt one of them (yet). Putting it off til march 20th isnt messing with it. Its a scheduling thing. the return of 24 & American Idol and other crap fox airs, it was bound to happen. Also you have to give them time to film more episodes etc as they'd only done the ordered 13 episodes.
Alot of people diss fox, but theyre a network that take risks for innovative shows, (e.g. 24, prison break) if it wasnt for FOX we wouldnt have them. So yeah, they might stuff a few shows you like over cause of low ratings, but if it wasnt for them you wouldnt have seen them in the first place. So give them props for that. </rant>
Anyway this show is great, i love it. The characters & the story are well thought out. But damn that chick whose on the outside trying to prove Lincolns innocence cant act at all. Still good though.