Prison Break (For people following US tv) (4 Viewers)


Active Member
Oct 16, 2005
yeh I just read it. Alot of those things didn't happen...


Active Member
Oct 5, 2003
fantasy27 said:
i was watching it, then towards the end, the song came up, and i was like, whats that song..and realised its the theme song for House

can't wait for this episode to air in Aust because its on the same time as House, lol

about the episode, i was like 'wow' at so many bits, because 'what if' they dont make it out, pretty much everyone knows about it now
lol yeh i just finished watchin it n knew the music wuz familiar

i went from just watching it on tv n reading some spoilers on here to d/l all the later eps like 18, 19, 20.....frickin awesome show!!


Sep 2, 2005
*hopeful* said:
hey wat wuz the symbolism of the crane ?
something about familial obligation. i can't really remember and im too lazy to check. :)


Feb 20, 2004
yeah lincoln always folded a crane for michael to show him that hes always watching out for him or something like that!


Aug 23, 2005
At first I thought michael would break out without his brother and then on the outside he would be exonerated by veronica....however, with the developments of episode 20, i am inclined to think otherwise. For one, it looks like veronica is not going anywhere due to nick working for abruzzi, and with michael threatening the pope, it looks like he intends to take lincoln with him.
And wat bout abruzzi and the plane? three seats for 'the three that are still breathing'. fuck eh, poor old charles and sucre (cant say much for t-bag and c note tho )....i reckon that abruzzi will threaten schofield with veronica to get fibonacci (his whole christian thing is and act), then take either schofield and lincoln or schofield and veronica if he has not yet given up fibonacci....owever, the second option would not work, as abruzzi knows that schofield would never give up abruzzi unless his brother is safe. but if he doesnt give up fibonacci and takes michael and lincoln, wat happens to veronica? i mean they're not just gonna leave her at the airstrip are they? cause even then schofield might not give up fibonacci...but all this specualtion is useless without them getting out...i havent read the spoilers, but i'm sure they do...the problem is, if the pope does give schofield his brother and makes him fix the taj or wateva, as soon as he is outside the walls he can just set the guards on them. surely schofield will hav a way around this tho...argh so many q's and very few answers!


Feb 20, 2004
not long now!

only 2 more episodes and season 1 is done, i wonder how long we'll have to wait til season 2


New Member
Mar 2, 2006
Byron Bay!
I thought this ep 20 was predicatable as... They drop heaps of hints along the way, the wanabe gangsta whiteboy was predictable cant wait till the bit where he is sacrificed... haha he makes me cringe. I love t-bag(awesome actor), hes so important to the show. (love to hate, dont really go for pedo murderers lol)

That massive attack song is soo good, i just watched euphoria today couldnt get out out of my head, never can when i watch house. Shame house didnt get the introduction graphics award, forget who got it.

Well im off to watch the latest fam guy.
Wait till you see what pope and bellick does :p.


stuck in a moment
Aug 4, 2003
I can't wait to see what happens next!!!!!

A z T e X

New Member
Mar 20, 2005
OMG can't believe he pulled that shank out on Pope!!!!

what is WesMorlin(is that how you spell it?) gonna do with his cut!?!?!?

and clearly the plane is for Lincoln, Abruzzi and Scofield!


Aug 23, 2005
Constip8edSkunk said:
That was an awsome episode... i couldnt help myself so I went spoiler hunting, heres the plot summary for the last 3 episodes of season1 . it was posted ont he fox forum a week ago so it includes the stuff in this weeks ep and some ordering and details arent exactly accurate.

Bellick looks into the hole. Westmoreland comes out from a corner and knocks him out. Michael joins him and they tie him up and gag him and dump him in the hole while Tweener stands guard. Westmoreland says that’s for Marilyn. Then they clean up and cover the hole.

Michael visits Sara and apologizes to her for the key and tells her why he did it. She continues to be distant. “I’m getting my brother out of here tonight”, he tells her. He explains that Lincoln has been wrongfully accused and asks her to pretend to be on duty and leave the door unlocked and the light on in the infirmary. Sara doesn’t look like she’s going to comply and is contemplating informing the authorities.

Veronica and LJ have his 1st hearing for double homicide and attempted murder. Things don’t go well and a trial date is set. Veronica calls Lincoln to update him, he’s devastated.

Lincoln broods in his cell while Michael puts the finishing touches on the Taj Mahal. He reluctantly hides something (possibly a knife, how do they get away with stuff like that beats me) inside the Taj Mahal, knowing that he’s going to be betraying Pope, who has always been like a father-figure to him. Pope is happy to see the Taj Mahal completed and grants him a visit with his brother, who is under 24 h surveillance in his cell.

Michael and Lincoln brood in L’s cell. With Bellick missing and LJ in trouble, they need to move up the escape to tonight. Michael needs to change plans, he looks up at the wall, knowing he’s finally got to use the escape route he had dreaded.

In their cell, Michael tells Sucre about the change of plans, but Sucre starts freaking out. He only has a year to go before being eligible for parole and he fears that it wont be long before Bellick is found. Not to mention, the new plan Michael is proposing stinks, there’s no way they’re going to be able to accomplish that. He thinks they’ve blown it already and shouldnt risk going ahead with the escape. Michael gives him this tragic look saying they don’t have another choice.

In the yard, he updates the rest of the gang. “As soon as it gets dark, we go”. No one’s happy coz the new suicide mission. They will now be meeting in Michael’s cell, not the guard room, and even if everyone could get into Michael’s cell unseen, the pathway from there to the infirmary is too dangerous and was the reason Michael hadn’t wanted to use it. (Quite frankly, I don’t see the problem, coz he did go from his cell to sick bay to rescue Sara during the riot and Sick Bay and the infirmary, if they’re different, cant be that far from each other.) ANyway, they have to start out at 7pm which gives them exactly 60m till count, when each cell is checked.

Abruzzi has to call Nick to inform him of the change of plans and to make sure he has the plane waiting for them at the nearby airstrip. Veronica overhears this and realizes Nick is connected to Abruzzi. She steals one of his guns from the closet and confronts him. He tells her about his association with the mob and that if she caused any trouble, he was supposed to kill her, but you get the impression that all the time they’ve spent together has him conflicted. She pulls the gun on him and they wrestle for it, Nick gets shot and she takes off, whole Nick is left to bleed to death. Next stop, Blackfoot, Montana, she has to figure out what’s up there.

The whole team is tense, coz tonight’s the night. At around 7pm that night, Lincoln visits the infirmary for the bruises he recd during the accident. During one of the break sessions when the boys are allowed to move around, they all manage to sneak into Cell 40, where they have a date with a certain hole in the wall. Once inside, the boys (Sucre, Tweener, T-Bag, Abruzzi, Manche, Westmoreland, C-Note) put on Psych ward/ infirmary staff whites that were earlier stolen from the laundry by Manche and hidden in the pipes by Michael. Michael though is wearing a grey sweatshirt and blue pants, later he dons one of Bellick’s jackets and caps (also stolen, I’ve long since suspended belief and chosen to simply enjoy the show as is). They crawl through the pipes towards the infirmary (don’t have any idea what horrors they face along the way, possibly they have to bypass an exhaust fan and other such stuff, I just hope its more original than that, and to think of all that time and effort they put into that hole in St Louis). Anyway, they all make it to the infirmary where Lincoln is waiting and happy to see them (Yes folks, he somehow managed to get alone).

Just as they’re getting out of the uniforms, guess who happens upon them. Its Haywire! His photographic memory retained the layout and he made his own way from the hatch in the coal room of the Psych ward through the tunnels. Along the way, he met Bellick and stole his gun and walkie-talkie and reached the infirmary by the safer route. Michael, Lincoln and Westmoreland try to reason with him, but its always dangerous reasoning with a psycho, but its Tweener that tries to sneak up on him and disarm him and Westmoreland gets shot! The others gang up on Haywire, disarm him and knock him out. Michael doesn’t want to leave Westmoreland, but there’s no way he can carry on and he tells Michael “Go, and don’t look back”.

During the escape, Micheal pulls a knife, which hid in the taj mahar, on Pope, gets the infirmary keys from him and locks him in a closet.

In the meantime, Bellick remains bound and gagged in the hole. The night shift guards notice Bellick’s truck still in parking and find he hasn’t checked out. They hear sounds coming from the floor of their guardroom and find and release him. Bellick is now on a warpath and he and his little posse get loaded on the ammo and charge out.

Michael blows some dust on the keypad and from the fingerprints finds the access code to the locked room (this is different from the door he needed the keys for.) The team then breaks the bars on the window. Lincoln is the 1st out on the wire and helps the others across. Michael is last and just as he going across, the flood lights come on and sirens go off. He rushes across the wire and the boys scamper through the trees and over a hill and down Fitz street towards the airstrip. Guards and cop cars chase them, Bellick saying “they’ve signed their death warrant.”

Elsewhere, Brinker (The Company’s assassin) tells Reynolds and Kellerman their services are no longer needed. Kellerman has screwed up way too many times and besides, now that they’ve flushed Mr. Burrows out of hiding, their agendas are no longer the same as the VP’s. They’ve also discovered that Veronica is getting too close and needs to be eliminated.

In Blackfoot, Veronica arrives at the address from where the calls were made to, to find the house on fire. She hears screaming and is just in time to find Terrance Steadman alive. Kellerman comes out from behind a nearby horse wagon taunting her that her evidence is going up in flames and he’s going to take her out too and fires. But guess what, he’s the one that goes down. Agent Hale is alive!

Just got another spoiler that suggests that Westmoreland actually gets hurt in the scuffle with Bellick in the guard room and not during the escape. He does however tell Michael to leave without him, coz it doesnt look like he'll make it and possibly asks him to check on his daughter and gives him the info to his millions. Not sure which one is true, but this could explain why Tweener blames himself for someone dying. Guess a rattled Tweener will have to do some damage control to earn his spot on the team and would allso explain why Michael forcefully tells Tweener to do a swipe for him.

Another thing I forgot, Bellick and his posse waste time looking for the boys in the pipes under the guardroom because that was the way he thought they were going to escape. That bought the team sufficient time to get to the infirmary and start over the wall.

The escapees reach a cliff overlooking a body of water and have to jump to avoid being gunned down. (I’ve looked at satellite pics of Joliet and am not sure which street is Fitz. Its most likely Collins to the East in which case there’s a lake just beyond it. We’ve got to assume that it’s a large body of water than cannot be circumvented). When they arrive on the other side (I’m trying to imagine D-Cups making it across), they have to run a bit to the airstrip. (There really isn’t an airstrip near the prison, but Galt Airport was used during filming). The police chase is full on as they run to the waiting jet (guess Nick had time to arrange it before V shot him). Not sure who gets shot before they take off.

The use of the tattoo will not end with the season. Michael still has info that he will need (such as the “bolshoi booze” or 32009 1045709 (upside-down) that’s on his arm, possibly a bank account number).
At some point during the escape Sara is overwhelmed by everything that's happened and all the people that have gotten hurt or died. (Possibly she blames herself for Pope getting hurt coz she didnt leave the infirmary unlocked or maybe she wasnt able to save Westmoreland who dies telling her Michael's a good guy, who knows.) But bottom line is she spirals out of control. There's a scene where she's in her car sobbing uncontrollably and the big shocker of the season finale is that she's fallen off the wagon and is using again.

Mate your spoiler is wrong. I only read the ep 20 bit, which was as far as i wanted to read, and so far it was way off. eat a dick cocksucker.


Hip-Hop Saved My Life
Feb 24, 2004
my heart was pumping for whole 45minutes, so FUCKING good.


aka Will, Skis, Willskis
Nov 17, 2004
Tamworth, NSW
Agreed. Episodes 20 and 21 were fantastic, best suspense in TV OR movies.


Feb 20, 2004
wow, episode 21 was amazing!

feel sorry for Westmoreland (sp?)

so they broke out, wonder what happens now, so much suspense, fantastic episode



Aug 23, 2005
that fat dude has gotta b pissed....the episode seems to satisfy ur curiosity about whether they get out or not, cause quite clearly they do. but now the suspense lies in wondering wat happens now. i think season 2 will (if abruzzi lets them live that is) show them all going for west morlands money...poor charles, such a nice guy and died for the cause.
and it looks like veronica and nick are no more...i wonder wat veronica will do, as even if she does exonerate him, surely he will b in shit for escaping.

oooh still so many q's, cant wait for ALL the answers to b there! eps 20 n 21 = the best! never before hav i had such heart stopping suspense, in film or television!


Feb 20, 2004
i totally agree.. i never been in such a suspenseful situation through television or movie-wise before!

i agree.. the look on T-bag and the fat guy (lol i forgot his name) and C-Note's faces when Charles told them it was 5m

Haywire too.. wonder what happens to him..

Tweener did something good for once, first i thought he sacrificed himself because he told Bellick about the hole (so it wasn't Michael's plan to let Bellick know?, but then im confused, where else was he going to get the guard's uniform, hmm)

Im also thinking about the fact that even though Lincoln is cleared for the VP's brother's murder, he and Michael and the rest of the gang still broke out of jail

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