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Private school (Malek Fahd Islamic School) sends strugglers to TAFE (2 Viewers)


Active Member
Oct 5, 2003
^ his right though, by year 12 the classes are really small with only high achievers which helps in overall ranking of the school and students - it really has nothing to do with the fact that its a muslim school, more so that it has a strict academic policy/focus


Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
sami999 said:
hay mate , before you even say a single word about deporting muslims or any arabs , how about the arabs and muslims deport all u christians and jew etc from the middle east , BUT NO , they are allowed to stay there. WHY ?? because we dont have seculded thinking and are open to different thoughts , and in case u want to say ANYTHING at all about muslims and how stupid u claim their religion 2 be , JUST read the following it might rectify any possible misunderstanding you might have
Firstly I'm fairly cetrain that Shroedinger was joking, lol.

Secondly Jews and Christians not kicked out of Arab lands? Let's have a look at this...

Yemen In 1922 the government of Yemen reintroduced an ancient Islamic law requiring that Jewish orphans under age 12 be forcibly converted to Islam.

In 1947 82 Jews were killed in riots. Jewish homes destroyed and businesses looted. Increased violence against Jews led to Operation Magic Carpet which saw the evacuation of 50,000 Jews from Yemen to Israel.

Today, the poor Yemenite Jews cannot serve in the army or be elected to political positions. Jews may live in one section of a city or village only. Yemenite Jews are banned from emigrating.

Saudi Arabia During the Gulf War US troops stationed in Saudi Arabia included many Jews. The government insisted that no Jewish service be conducted on Saudi Arabian soil and that the Jewish soldiers be transported to US Naval Ships for service.

Iraq In 1934 many Jews were dismissed from public service. The teaching of Jewish history and Hebrew in Jewish schools was banned.

In 1941 around 200 Jews were murdered and up to 2000 injured in a Pogrom in Baghdad.

Iraq forbade Jewish emigration on the grounds they may be emigrating to Israel. By 1949 Jews were being smuggled out at a rate of 1000 per month.

In 1951 Operation Ezra and Nehemiah was launched which evacuated around 120,000 Jews.

Libya Attacks on Jewish quarters in Tripoli and other cities occurred in 1945, leading to a death toll the British put at 130 Jews.24 In other words, Jews began leaving Libya three years before the establishment of Israel and seven years before Libya gained independence. Their departure turned into a mass exodus as soon as Israel gained independence and the gates opened to Libyan Jewry. As in Iraq, internal policy appears to be the reason both for the Jews' expulsion and for later rhetoric inviting them back.

Syria As in Yemen and Libya, crude pressure on the Jews of Syria-such as the 1947 pogrom in Aleppo and the rape and murder of four Jewish girls who allegedly tried to smuggle themselves out of Syria-caused a substantial emigration.

Algeria The Algerian Nationality Code of 1963 made this clear by granting Algerian nationality as a right only to those inhabitants whose fathers and paternal grandfathers had Muslim personal status in Algeria.

Yes Muslims were removed from the State of Israel but the above post is in direct response to a comment that Jews and Christians live in peace in Arab lands and do not face deportation. This is NOT TRUE.


New Member
Jun 11, 2007
Exphate said:
Um. Can you actually provide proof to back these statements up, or is it just another one of you MFIS students proclaiming the school is totally awesome and has the backing of Allah and thus will never fall?
I made one statement that is every mfis student who graduates goes on to university..
proof? what do you want me to get you some documents or something ? (LOL)

Approximately 50% of the students get a UAI > 90 and the rest are in the 80s with maybe a few not falling in that category so if thats not enough for you to believe they all go to a uni go jump off a buildling for all anyone cares


Google "9-11" and "truth"
Dec 20, 2004
Ali92l said:
I made one statement that is every mfis student who graduates goes on to university..
proof? what do you want me to get you some documents or something ? (LOL)

Approximately 50% of the students get a UAI > 90 and the rest are in the 80s with maybe a few not falling in that category so if thats not enough for you to believe they all go to a uni go jump off a buildling for all anyone cares
Approximately 50% of the students commit gang rapes and the rest are just vanilla rapists with maybe a few armed robberies not falling into that category so if thats not enough for you to believe they all go to jail go jump off a building for all anyone cares


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
jb_nc said:
Approximately 50% of the students commit gang rapes and the rest are just vanilla rapists with maybe a few armed robberies not falling into that category so if thats not enough for you to believe they all go to jail go jump off a building for all anyone cares
It's not their fault. Over policing by the conservative right makes them act out and rape innocent people.


New Member
Jun 11, 2007
source? Smh school rankings. If State rankings accompanied with percentage of D.A's isn't good enough to prove a point in ur unbelievably arrogant brain i dont know what is. ( jb nc isn't worth dignifying by me responding to his comments)


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Ali92l said:
source? Smh school rankings. If State rankings accompanied with percentage of D.A's isn't good enough to prove a point in ur unbelievably arrogant brain i dont know what is. ( jb nc isn't worth dignifying by me responding to his comments)
They only get those rankings because all the dumb ones either blow themselves up by age 16 or get sent to TAFE so as not to hurt the school's status as Australia's premier terrorist institution.


New Member
Mar 14, 2008
I don't usually contribute to posts - but after reading this I honestly can't believe some of the racial opinions/preconceptions that some people hold – such closed minded and uneducated assumptions and generalisations that people are making and how quickly people are to judge and discriminate.
In an affluent/developed country the fact that people have such negligent views of other races is truly appalling and I am disgusted. If people in our time are not educating their children to accept and embrace the differences of all cultures what hope do future generations have?
I am neither Muslim nor do I attend Malek Fahd Islamic School but I am educated enough to understand and at least acknowledge the fact that there is good and bad in every race and you can’t simply base your statements on some stupid way of thinking that you have somehow adopted.
I guess, as you can tell I am against people who hold certain views but it just really gets to me that people can be so horrible and judgmental.
If you have reasoning worth stating as to your views, by all means I challenge you, but in my opinion there is no justification in generalising a particular race unless you personally have met every one of the people whom you are judging and subsequently hold these views; however I very much doubt that this is the case.
Perhaps people on here are 'joking around' but if they're not, I really suggest you rethink your opinions on other people, for your own sake.

My view on Malek Fahd and their policies – they can do what they want. If you don’t like the high standards they set then don’t go there - as aforementioned by others. If you object to their ways it is as though you’re saying that selective schools don’t have a right to select the calibre they wish to attend their schools that is, based on their intellectual ability.
As far as I’m aware the students and parents of Malek Fahd are quite aware of the conditions in which they enter the school and want this kind of learning environment for their children or in the students case – themselves.
I mean face it the results speak for themselves, in the HSC they were ranked 9th and hence the school is achieving what it intends.

hmm, that is all.


New Member
Mar 14, 2008
Well thanks for pointing that out Einstein. Good job really I take back everything i said.


Active Member
Feb 25, 2007
Schroedinger said:
I say we ban muslim immigration and deport all of them.
Hear Hear.

sami999 said:
hay mate , before you even say a single word about deporting muslims or any arabs , how about the arabs and muslims deport all u christians and jew etc from the middle east , BUT NO , they are allowed to stay there
Excuse me? You make it act as if we are so evil and unaccomodating. You should realise how lucky you are to be in Australia. For the moment your allowed to act and do as you wish in australia.. (which i disagree with). What has this led to? We arn't allowed to have christmas decorations in Shopping centres so as to not offend people. Which is utter and complete BULLSHIT. IF we go to arab countries we have to dress and act like they do. Yet they come here and we freely allow them to do as they please, and the minute we say something about it we get treated as racists and ignorant bigots.

I am sick of being labelled all these things for standing up for my beliefs and for not believing in double standards.

withoutaface said:
Yeah Islam is clearly just a front for al qaeda.

I read about it in the paper, you all want to get rid of democracy. You should be ASHAMED of yourselves you wannabe terrorists
Thankgod we have the paper to fill us in.

ari89 said:
It's not their fault. Over policing by the conservative right makes them act out and rape innocent people.
IT is disgusting that people commit such crimes. I Consider myself a moral conservative and i do not know how people can commit such crimes, it is disgusting, and they should be shot for it.

withoutaface said:
They only get those rankings because all the dumb ones either blow themselves up by age 16 or get sent to TAFE so as not to hurt the school's status as Australia's premier terrorist institution.
EXACTLY, this was supposed to be the whole point of the article and this topic/thread in question. The Only reason the school gets decent rankings is because they chuck all the dumbkids off to tafe so their bad marks dont count in the school ranks/averages. Surely that is the whole point of this thread end of story k thx bbq plz go die.

jaszmiinaa said:
I don't usually contribute to posts - but after reading this I honestly can't believe some of the racial opinions/preconceptions that some people hold – such closed minded and uneducated assumptions and generalisations that people are making and how quickly people are to judge and discriminate.
In an affluent/developed country the fact that people have such negligent views of other races is truly appalling and I am disgusted. If people in our time are not educating their children to accept and embrace the differences of all cultures what hope do future generations have?
It seems your the sort of person that would call me racist or others racist if we were to start talking about Lebanese Rape Gangs? That some how the media is racist for labelling them as lebanese rape gangs etc.. Well i'll tell you what... There are no SWISS Rape Gangs. so it god damn aint being racist saying that they are lebanese rape gangs coz thats what they are!

Exphate said:
God forbid that people could formulate an opinion on something, and it be different yours.
That definitly Makes them Racist.

In Closing Ladies and Gentlemen, I hereby condemn the communist Whitlam ideology and implemencation of the concept of Multiculturalism. I therefore shame those that standby it, and hereby assert that we must rapidly introduce Assimilation across the commonwealth of Australia. Because we must look not at what divides us, but what we have in common.

neo o

it's coming to me...
Aug 16, 2002
BackCountrySnow said:
I don't agree that this is right at all. But I've heard James Ruse asks poor performing students to find another school. Some schools will go these measures to improve (or sustain) their rank.
While I was at the school from '99 to '04 they only ever asked one person to leave, to my knowledge.


New Member
Mar 14, 2008
kokodamonkey said: "It seems you're the sort of person that would call me racist or others racist if we were to start talking about Lebanese Rape Gangs? That some how the media is racist for labelling them as lebanese rape gangs etc.. Well i'll tell you what... There are no SWISS Rape Gangs. so it god damn aint being racist saying that they are lebanese rape gangs coz thats what they are!"

It seems that you are the sort of person that would assume things and take what i say out of context doesn't it. Where on earth did you get the idea that i would think something like this? This just further proves my point on how quick people are to judge/generalise other people.
I was merely expressing my opinion as I so clearly stated, just like you are, however even though i am trying to understand where you are coming from -i still do not see any sense in what you are saying. I am not trying to make you conform by any means - you are clearly set in keeping your current mentality, I just thought it might be interesting to see different perspectives and why people think the way they do.
Last edited:


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
"It seems you're the sort of person that would call me racist or others racist if we were to start talking about Lebanese Rape Gangs? That some how the media is racist for labelling them as lebanese rape gangs etc.. Well i'll tell you what... There are no SWISS Rape Gangs. so it god damn aint being racist saying that they are lebanese rape gangs coz thats what they are!"


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Mike Ocisard said:
Sechs der Täter stammen aus der Schweiz, zwei aus Serbien und Montenegro, zwei sind Mazedonier und je ein Jugendlicher kommen aus Italien, der Dominikanischen Republik und Bosnien-Herzegowina.
Six the author originate from Switzerland, two from Serbia and Montenegro, two are Mazedonier and one young person each come from Italy, the Dominican republic and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Six of them were Swiss.


New Member
Jan 26, 2008
You guys just want to stir up trouble its as simple as that . Whatever policies malek fahd islamic school enforces they are rsitricted by the board of studies guidelines and the ministry of education. Furthermore all policies of any school are subject to inspection and approval by the ministry of education and are bound by strict guidelines. so if what you guys are saying , that this policy shouldnt exist ( if at all it existed) you should take it up with the Board of studies and the education ministry. And stop with the nonesense please. and if u guys want hard evidence of the marks that students at malek fahd obtained here , you can clearly see from this offical document how many credits were awarded to the school. http://www.smh.com.au/pdf/HSC Honour Roll 2007 (2).pdf
go down to nineth place !!! you should see it CLEARLY !!!!!!!!


Google "9-11" and "truth"
Dec 20, 2004
sami999 said:
You guys just want to stir up trouble its as simple as that . Whatever policies malek fahd islamic school enforces they are rsitricted by the board of studies guidelines and the ministry of education. Furthermore all policies of any school are subject to inspection and approval by the ministry of education and are bound by strict guidelines. so if what you guys are saying , that this policy shouldnt exist ( if at all it existed) you should take it up with the Board of studies and the education ministry. And stop with the nonesense please. and if u guys want hard evidence of the marks that students at malek fahd obtained here , you can clearly see from this offical document how many credits were awarded to the school. http://www.smh.com.au/pdf/HSC Honour Roll 2007 (2).pdf
go down to nineth place !!! you should see it CLEARLY !!!!!!!!
hmm, yes, excellent point, but, your gay, you see, furthermore, your a muslim. and i mean, who likes muslims, really.

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