Private vs Public.... Everything (1 Viewer)


Nov 4, 2005
Newcastle/Lake Macquarie
every member of society has the responsibility to ensure that our country will continue as an intelligent nation, by paying taxes for education its a contribution to australia's future generations.

I dont know all the figures on govt spending but as far as i can tell the (national?????) govt gives a higher percentage of funding to private schools compared to how many students in their system.

i dont think that private schools should be stripped of funding, i see private schools more of somewhere that should get the equal funding that public schools get, certainly no more than public schools, and then the parents are up for paying the extra thousands to give their kids a "better" education (even though obviously for the govt. the education that public schools recieve is enough)

I was under the impression that (some) funding was allocated to schools according to the socio-economic levels of the surrounding suburbs. the problem with this is when a large private school is in a poorer suburb, although their students do not live anywhere near this place their school recieved a large amount of funding, these are the inconsistencies that i see when looking at public versus private.

i have certainly nothing against private school kids, their parents may just have more money than sense.

i cant see the point of spending thousands of dollars for an education i can recieve in the public system, i have found my comprehensive public school to be a great place for learing any variety of subjects. there are 1300 people in my school from yr7 to yr12 and i couldnt have asked for a better school, i probably could have gone to a selective high, but we all learn the same syllabus anyway, there is nothing there i cant learn at my school, and the same goes for private schools, they cant teach anything but the same thing i will be learing anyway.

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