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In teh rules and procedures book it says that
"if you cannot attend an examination because of illness of msiadventure, notify yoru school principal immeddiately
If illness of misadventure occurs before the exmination and you are still able to attend, notify the presiding officer when entering the examinaiton.
You must notify the presiding offier at every examination session in which you consider your performamces may have been affected by illness or misadventure
It is important to attend the examination where possible, ven in the case of illness/misadventure. The baord will not accept an illness/misadventure appeal if the reason fo rhte ansence is not considered to be sufficeintly serious. YOu should consult your shool principal before deciding not to attend an examination. Professional advice (eg from a doctor) must also be provided with your appeal, indicating why you were unfot to atend the examination