The educational requirements for ACCT Prof Recog is spelled out quite clearly on the accting website.
But what about for finance.
Since, the AIBF and SIA have merged to become FINSIA - do the
Can anyone point me to the EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS to gain access to "post" qualifications / recognition by FINSIA or OTHER financial bodies ?
( I emailed FINSIA but they were too vague and dont like talking to us undergrad
But what about for finance.
Since, the AIBF and SIA have merged to become FINSIA - do the
Still apply ? They probably would have changed.UNSW Handbook said:The Australian Institute of Banking and Finance (AIBF)
The educational requirements for Senior Associateship will be satisfied if:
1. graduates awarded either a Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Economics degree have included in their studies LEGT1761 Law of Banking and Finance, MARK1012 Marketing Fundamentals and IROB1712/MGMT1712 Management of Organisations; or and
2. a further sequence of at least three coherent courses in banking or Finance. Students should note that Senior Associate also requires a minimum of two years employment in the banking and finance industry.
Graduates who have met the academic, but not the work experience requirements for Senior Associate, qualify for Associate membership.
The Secruities Institute of Australia
The Securities Institute of Australia grants exemptions from certain courses leading to associate membership of the Institute to graduates who have completed finance courses offered in the BCom or BEc degree programs.
Applications for registration, exemption or admission should be made direct to the Institute.
Can anyone point me to the EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS to gain access to "post" qualifications / recognition by FINSIA or OTHER financial bodies ?
( I emailed FINSIA but they were too vague and dont like talking to us undergrad
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