That'd be physically unrealistic, and would make the question way too easy!Originally posted by nike33
oh hehe, i just took h as the height of the leak, ill try again tommorow maybe
Why do we say max range is needed here? Couldn't it just hit the bottom of the wall at a smaller range ? I had a similar question and assuming no max range thing, i got the condition: sin2@.U<sup>2</sup> > gd. So this would cater for all angles of projection? :Snike33 said:(i) Prove that the jet can reach the wall above ground level if and only if V >(gc)1/2.
i cant be bothered deriving formulas or watever...but maximum rangle v^2 = xg ..v = sqr(xg) taking it as positive
now let the base of the wall be the origon hence C(c,0)
now for the water to hit the wall at ground level exactly v = sqr(gc) as x = c
obviously now as v increases the distance increases. hence as
v = sqr(gc) hits the wall at ground level, if v > sqr(gc) it must hit the wall. and only if v > sqr(gc) as allready stated, this is the maximum range obtanible
now i know what to get you for your birthday...Calculon said:I would try the cambridge questions but only got 4u cambridge
@CM_TutorNike33, it is good that you did prove that the shape on the wall is a parabola.
I took a different approach to solving this problem, which was:
Note that the distance travelled in the horizontal direction is kc, where 1 <= k <= 4, as 4c is the maximum range.
So, the time of flight is kc / [2 * sqrt(gc) * cos@] where @ is the angle of projection.
The height of impact, H, is: H = kctan@ - (k<sup>2</sup>c / 8) * sec<sup>2</sup>@.
dH/d@ = 4kcsec<sup>2</sup>@(4 - ktan@)
and it quickly follows that tan@ = 4 / k for a maximum height, and H<sub>MAX</sub> = 2c - ck<sup>2</sup> / 8
When k = 1, H<sub>MAX</sub> = 15c / 8 and when k = 4, H<sub>MAX</sub> = 0, as expected.
If you take D as the distance along the base of the wall, with D = 0 when k = 1 - at the closest point to C - then Pythagoras' theorem shows that:
D<sup>2</sup> = k<sup>2</sup>c - c<sup>2</sup>, and so k<sup>2</sup> = 1 + D<sup>2</sup> / c<sup>2</sup>
So, H<sub>MAX</sub> = 2c - (c / 8) * (1 + D<sup>2</sup> / c<sup>2</sup>) = 15c / 8 - D<sup>2</sup> / 8c.
This is clearly a parabola, as required, and the area is
2 * int (from 0 to c * sqrt(15)) H<sub>MAX</sub> dD = 5c<sup>2</sup> * sqrt(15) / 2, as required.