I keep hearing that people got ln(2)/0.1 for this question... starting to panic a little bit.
This is what I did. I'd appreciate it if anybody could tell me if I did something wrong.
Normal Intensity:
![](https://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\bg_white 1 = 10^{-12} \cdot e^{0.1L_{1}})
![](https://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\bg_white 10^{12}=e^{0.1L_{1}})
![](https://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\bg_white ln(10^{12})/0.1 = L_{1})
Double Intensity:
![](https://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\bg_white 2 = 10^{-12}\cdot e^{0.1L_{2}})
![](https://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\bg_white 2\times 10^{12}= e^{0.1L_{2}})
![](https://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\bg_white ln(2 \times 10^{12})= 0.1L_{2})
![](https://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\bg_white L_{2}= ln(2\times 10^{12})/0.1)
![](https://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?\bg_white L_{2}/L_{1} = ln(2\times 10^{12})/ln(10^{12}))
times louder
This is what I did. I'd appreciate it if anybody could tell me if I did something wrong.
Normal Intensity:
Double Intensity: